Transformers and More @ The Seibertron Store

adam-x wrote:biglots in roundrock texas has really good ko's of devastator,defensor and superion
Wingz wrote:His servos bring all Naval Strikes 'Cons to the yard
cody2003 wrote:Lubbock has a little to offer.
Kohl's had a few movie deluxe figs. 2 bonecrushers, 2 brawls, two Arcees, one swindle.
TRU had most of the movie LOCs, cybertron deluxes, movie screamer and ironhide, two primus without unicron head, optimash prime, and blasters.
Target was wiped except for wave one real gears, and titanium Cheetor and Fallen (wish I had picked him up now)
Walmart was bare as well.
believe me you don't wish you picked them up cause i was the one who bought them and returned them they would not stay together right and they had loose joints so i put them pack in the package and returned them i didn't expect them to put them back on the shelf weird anyway good to see your from abilene im like the only one on this website from lubbock
hope that helps any Lubbock area people.
cody2003 wrote:Lubbock has a little to offer.
Kohl's had a few movie deluxe figs. 2 bonecrushers, 2 brawls, two Arcees, one swindle.
TRU had most of the movie LOCs, cybertron deluxes, movie screamer and ironhide, two primus without unicron head, optimash prime, and blasters.
Target was wiped except for wave one real gears, and titanium Cheetor and Fallen (wish I had picked him up now)
Walmart was bare as well.
hope that helps any Lubbock area people.
xOPtimUsZErOx wrote:cody2003 wrote:Lubbock has a little to offer.
Kohl's had a few movie deluxe figs. 2 bonecrushers, 2 brawls, two Arcees, one swindle.
TRU had most of the movie LOCs, cybertron deluxes, movie screamer and ironhide, two primus without unicron head, optimash prime, and blasters.
Target was wiped except for wave one real gears, and titanium Cheetor and Fallen (wish I had picked him up now)
Walmart was bare as well.
hope that helps any Lubbock area people.
believe me you don't want them i was the one who bought them and took them back cause of their horrible loose joints anyway good to hear your from abilene im the only one from lubbock at the moment it has been that way for a while lol anyway if you ever ned me to look for something for you i can believe me i hit the stores up everyday
Counterpunch wrote:FP sure does provide some F'd up head.
Enigma_Dragons wrote:there's the g1 repaint Jazz at target in Abilene. stocked them myself. If there's none on the shelf there might still be another case in the back. there was a leader Brawl today. not sure were he came from since there wasn't any on todays truck that i saw. I think he's just taunting me since payday isn't till Friday.
Counterpunch wrote:FP sure does provide some F'd up head.
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