Transformers and More @ The Seibertron Store

Counterpunch wrote:FP sure does provide some F'd up head.
Counterpunch wrote:FP sure does provide some F'd up head.
LiKwid wrote:San antonio is dry as the sahara..BB's are everywhere and the voyagers are stuck at wave 1 still. I havent been checking TRU on 410 and san pedro at all because thier selection has always sucked. I still hunt at lkeast 3 times a week..
Counterpunch wrote:FP sure does provide some F'd up head.
Counterpunch wrote:FP sure does provide some F'd up head.
mattj972 wrote:Toys R Us in Frisco, Texas on Preston Road got 4 Masterpiece Thundercracker toys this morning(9/7/12) I bought two toys. They should be getting more on the next truck.
Counterpunch wrote:FP sure does provide some F'd up head.
mattj972 wrote:They are awesome figures. Thundertron is one of my new favorites.
TeamAutobots51817 wrote:mattj972 wrote:They are awesome figures. Thundertron is one of my new favorites.
Thundertron's foot is blue and gold but on the box it shows silver blue and gold so i painted his foot silver and keep blue and gold on his foot. and i agree Thundertron is the most awesome figure of all time.
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