Transformers and More @ The Seibertron Store

wolverinetodd wrote:TeamAutobots51817 wrote:mattj972 wrote:They are awesome figures. Thundertron is one of my new favorites.
Thundertron's foot is blue and gold but on the box it shows silver blue and gold so i painted his foot silver and keep blue and gold on his foot. and i agree Thundertron is the most awesome figure of all time.
Cooler if his sword would lock in place.
BTW, found one Ultra Magnus and one Thundertron at the Lexington, NC Wal-Mart SuperCenter and bought both. These guys are ringing up $22.96 at the registers yet the shelves still have $19.96 price labels (next to the $22.96 price) for the DOTM Voyagers listed, even when there aren't anymore DOTM Voyager figures. Idiots! Guess what price I've been paying at the register for each Prime Voyager? Yep! $19.96! Too bad the Deluxe figures aren't as easily mispriced.
chuycent wrote:**Masterpiece Acid Storm in Irving Texas**
Found two Mp Acid storm's at the Toy's R US off MacArthur in Irving. There is only one left. Go to the front desk and ask for one. For some reason they are not putting them out.
OmarJT82 wrote:It still no sightings of Generations Voyager Whirl anywhere in San Antonio!
Is there anyone throughout the rest of Texas that can sell me one for $25 + free shipping?
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