Transformers and More @ The Seibertron Store

Seibertron wrote:About 2 years ago, there was a very long running thread regarding which figures you guys want to see galleries of next. I imagine now that I have over 1,150 galleries here on the site that it will be a little tougher for you guys to have your want lists but I thought I'd see if any of you could influence my decisions on upcoming galleries. Please make sure that you check the existing toy galleries to see if the figure(s) you want to request are already posted.
I'll give you a hint about how I operate with the galleries: if you have a specific figure that you want me to do a gallery of, I'm more likely to do a gallery if there are several other similar galleries that I can do at the same time. For example, if you're looking for G2 Snarl, I'm more likely to do him because I can do all of the G2 Dinobots and G1 Dinobots at the same time. I'm able to do galleries as fast as I do because I do groups of similar figures at the same time.
Here's the link to the galleries so that you can see what's already been posted.
I can't wait to read some of your requests. Thanks in advance!
spiritofcat wrote:With all the recent fuss about the Botcon Exclusive Thrust figure I wanted to go look at the G1 Thrust Gallery, but I found that there wasn't one.
On further inspection I can't find Dirge or Ramjet either.
Perhaps the G1 coneheads need their galleries done next.
Ultra Convoy wrote:How about the Pre-Transformers galleries. The Microman/Diaclone ect. versions of TF's
YouFearGalvatron wrote:I want G1 Scorponok, damnit. There is never enough love for G1 Scorponok.
skywarp-2 wrote:spiritofcat wrote:With all the recent fuss about the Botcon Exclusive Thrust figure I wanted to go look at the G1 Thrust Gallery, but I found that there wasn't one.
On further inspection I can't find Dirge or Ramjet either.
Perhaps the G1 coneheads need their galleries done next.
I agree coneheads should be done next..
skywarp-2 wrote:what about the Act series or the MEGA SCF series, which had G-1 and armada figures??
GrimlockPlox wrote:Transformers victory Deathsaurus ... or how you spell hes name =p ... "Dethzaras?"
Gutter Bunny wrote:Need i say dino's, or have i covered that sufficiently?
Other than that, the previously mentioned coneheads.
Seibertron wrote:skywarp-2 wrote:what about the Act series or the MEGA SCF series, which had G-1 and armada figures??
Maybe one day down the road. I think I'm still missing some of those figures so I'd have to complete those collections before I could do the galleries of those.
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