by o.supreme » Tue Mar 28, 2023 2:22 pm
- Motto: "Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
Greetings Ryan! Love the new Galleries of the SCF/Heroes of Cybertron toys. I got into these during a time when I thought I'd never be able to afford the originals, not would newer versions ever be made

Of the standard releases I have Raiden, Devastator, Omega Supreme, Road Caesar, Overlord & LioKaiser. I have God Ginrai but I cant remember if he was a BAF or not....

Of the BAF's however I have Fort Max, Grand Max, Metroplex, Black Zarak & Scorponok. It's a shame they never made Trypticon, but oh well...
All mine are actually SCF. The Hasbro releases (Heroes of Cybertron) that same later were just kind of all over the place and hard to track down. I'm glad I dot most of the characters Iu wanted form the Takara versions.
Bucket/Want List: Botcon 2016 Customization Class Ratchet (G2 Deco), or Customization Class Ratchet (Marvel Comics Deco) **would also be willing to pay for an Unpainted Botcon 2016 Ratchet, TT Legends Fortress Head (only) with working Electronics
Wish List of Modern Combiners: Road Caesar, Monstructor & Dinoking (proper size to fiction), Landcross, Guard City, Battle Gaia, & G2 Defensor. Wish List of Titans:Metrotitan,Majin Zarak