Transformers and More @ The Seibertron Store

bodrock wrote:heh, I figured it had to be around the early 90s, Cyber Bishop, but still -- that was a great deal even then! I only started re-collecting the Pretenders in the last 5 years, so while some of them were kinda cheap, they got super-expensive when they "returned" with Titans Return.
The only Bludgeon(s) I have is his RotF figure, and that li'l Titan Master -- I'd love the G1 version.
For Autobots, I'm always hoping I can get Vroom for a good deal, but that seems impossible -- much like I will never find a cheap Metalhawk (I also got the Titan Master there lol).
bodrock wrote:hah, Playworld! I also remember Kaybee Toystores, and I wish I could have cleaned them up when they went down. I still miss Toys R Us, but they didn't have much of a close-out when they went down.
Nowadays, stores can barely keep the figures collectors really want on shelves, and aftermarket prices keep on rising -- just like Pretenders, the Maximals and Predacons were relatively dirt cheap 3-4 years ago. But now? It's like they've doubled and then some.
Cyber Bishop wrote:When Childrens Palace was going out of business I managed to finish my Pretenders sets, got a bunch of the large ones for 5.99 a pop and all of monstructor for 1.99 a pop. I was very lucky indeed (I have all the original US pretenders including mega and ultra ones).
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