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ZeroWolf wrote:Thunderwing needs to be nothing less then a commander, there's enough scope for one line of pretenders at least, and they could make another Metal hawk... That's not a boxset exclusive or a very expensive retro item
ZeroWolf wrote:He was definitely a giant in early IDW, most notably in the Stormbringer mini series
-Kanrabat- wrote:ZeroWolf wrote:He was definitely a giant in early IDW, most notably in the Stormbringer mini series
In that case, Commander all the way. And have the inner bot be deluxe sized.
Man, I'd cream my pants.
RK_Striker_JK_5 wrote:Okay, jumping in late but... although I do like how Skullgrin and Bludgeon were done-robot mode looks like the Pretender shell and they transform into the inner robt's vehicle mode-I wouldn't mind fully-updated Pretenders, with a robot and shell.
Hasbro wrote:But we gave you that! We gave you Prime Masters! WHY YOU WANT MORE???
-Kanrabat- wrote:Those PrineMasters were just cockteases.
We can now remake ALL Pretenders as at least Leader class figures. Kinda like the Evolution leaders of PotP. All classic Pretenders would then become Mega-Pretenders by default.
Sure, a line can't have 30 leaders but I would really like to have at least Skullgrin, Submarauder, and Bomburst as leaders mega Pretenders. Bludgeon too.
Then Thunderwing as a Commander.
The "human" Pretenders could be voyagers as standard Pretenders. An articulated shell containing a deluxe inner bot.
I would really love to see a whole line of Pretenders.
Will this ever happen?
ZeroWolf wrote:I think we both know the answer to that.
RK_Striker_JK_5 wrote:Skullgrin and Bludgeon were done-robot mode looks like the Pretender shell and they transform into the inner robt's vehicle mode
-Kanrabat- wrote:ZeroWolf wrote:I think we both know the answer to that.
-Kanrabat- wrote:I could have all the monster Pretenders at my geek store at the time. Including Monstructor. But I lacked the foresight to get them.
Oh well, I got plenty already do it's fine.
bodrock wrote:AWESOME song choice, Zero!!
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