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I disagree hard, I think you're very much underestimating what they can pull off.Emerje wrote:To say nothing of all of the retail Commanders being unique molds so far. Also, to curb expectations, there's no reason to believe his Super Mode will be much bigger than our largest modern leader, just with a higher parts count. Definitely won't be Combiner sized.
ZeldaTheSwordsman wrote:I disagree hard, I think you're very much underestimating what they can pull off.Emerje wrote:To say nothing of all of the retail Commanders being unique molds so far. Also, to curb expectations, there's no reason to believe his Super Mode will be much bigger than our largest modern leader, just with a higher parts count. Definitely won't be Combiner sized.
1. Legacy Motormaster proves that Combiner height is possible with a Commander-class figure even when it has a separate, modern!Voyager-ish robot. And there are even parts of the trailer not integrated into the Menasor frame.
2. Armada Optimus' cab robot (which lacks any G1 animation model nonsense to try and replicate) would not require the transformation complexity of Kingdom Rodimus or Legacy Motormaster's cab robot, which will save on engineering costs.
3. Armada Optimus' super mode legs would be TR Powermaster Optimus Prime levels of hollow.
You're also overlooking that Leaders haven't really seen much shrinkage since Prime Wars - they've just mostly gotten denser vs. large yet thin (with the exception of the Studio Series Dinobots). With that in mind, and looking at the PotP Evolution figures... a Leader alone would still be capable of a Leader-height Armada Optimus or at least close to it, if made to that standard (again, especially with how hollow the legs would be). Hell, they could get a Leader-height one via a Selects reshell-and-tweak of PotP Rodimus. So again, I think a Commander-class one will be capable of more than you're crediting it with.
Except that Armada Optimus' super mode legs were as hollow as it gets, with the heft coming from the motor and batttery box. They wouldn't need to "fill in" anything, they'd just need to make them be 4-sided hollow boxes instead of 3-sided. And I think there certainly is enough for that,Emerje wrote:Menasor is just a frame, even if you include the parts that are left over there isn't enough material to fill in that frame to give us the bulk required to make a satisfying Armada Prime in super mode.
I think you're forgetting that Armada Optimus' super arms would only need to be about half as wide. And Armada Optimus wouldn't need that big chestplate, so that's another chunk of mass free for the leg boxes. The core bot would likely also be a cheaper to engineer than Motormaster or Rodimus Prime, which is money freed up to use elsewhere on the figure.Emerje wrote:You can't take that arm frames and apply them to the legs because you need that bulk to stay with the core bot if you're going to make him a convincing super mode.
Mmm, I don't know. They might have to accept some gappiness there if they want him to have more than 90 degrees of outward arm movement. Although they might be able to mitigate it by 1. making better use of the forearms (instead of having them awkwardly floating there doing nothing) and 2. tweaking the pelvis split (which they'd have freedom to do since the super head could be stuck in where the circuit board went on the original). If they're somehow able to retain the backpack, that could be made to tuck in closer.Emerje wrote:Also, this:
This isn't going to be acceptable in a modern figure. That's more plastic that's going to have to be allocated to the torso.
Fine, continue conditioning yourself to believe it can't be done then.Emerje wrote:This isn't as simple as taking the original and working in knees, hips and ankles. The only way they can do everything necessary to modernize Armada Optimus Prime at the Motormaster price point is to make it smaller than Menasor.
ZeldaTheSwordsman wrote:Fine, continue conditioning yourself to believe it can't be done then.I guess that just means you'll be pleasantly surprised when they do it.
SGMLordMirage wrote:Q Whifflefire, apologize for the belated response but loving what you have there, great group of Transformers from that line. The two i don’t have in that group is Mudflap and Landmine; hoping to add them to my Cybertron shelf down the road.
@ ZeldaTheSwordsman, congrats on finding that part for your OP. Not sure how long it took to find that piece but i know sometimes it can take awhile to find select parts. Looking forward to seeing some super mode shots.
For myself, once i get this remaining part for Quickmix, i will update it with a photo. But from a previous post talking about how hard it would be to find his minicon: Stripmine, I was very lucky to find a partial complete Quickmix with Stripmine for 7 bucks. Cant complain about that. What i have coming will complete the mixer of the vehicle and I already bought the cyber key. Looking forward to having him 100%.
Are you gonna put them on or under the tree?Overcracker wrote:Couple items I pulled out of storage while looking for Christmas decorations.
Rodimus Prime wrote:Are you gonna put them on or under the tree?Overcracker wrote:Couple items I pulled out of storage while looking for Christmas decorations.
That Scorponok mold is a guilty pleasure for me. I'll admit that he's not that great in robot mode, but I would love to have a copy of each version of him.
Dark Scorponok
Pirate Scorponok
Any others?
SGMLordMirage wrote:I would love an updated Energon OP and a Wing Saber; having the ability to combine would be awesome. A Titan Class Energon Omega Supreme would be fantastic as well, totally agree.
Final wish, I know the talks about the next Haslab being something to commemorate 40th anniversary or something to that affect but it would be awesome if it was a representation of Cybertron Primus.
SGMLordMirage wrote:So with god news, my Quickmix is finally at 100% with proper cyber key. All in all not bad for a guy i paid 50 cents for and spent roughly 25 to 30 bucks to make him complete. I was surprised it didn't take as long to find his minicon Stripmine, i think i got lucky there. It wont be the same for finding Menasor’s minicon- Heavy Load. I feel that will still take some time to find.
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