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ZeldaTheSwordsman wrote:Hardtop is a pretty neat guy and mold. I currently only have the movie version, but I do want to get the original flavor too, as well as Swindle (Although they're definitely lower-priority than, say, Undermine or Lugnutz). What do you think would be a good rename for the movie version?
Works for him as a movie figure, less so if you put him as part of Cyb Megs' army as I have in mind.D-Maximal_Primal wrote:ZeldaTheSwordsman wrote:Hardtop is a pretty neat guy and mold. I currently only have the movie version, but I do want to get the original flavor too, as well as Swindle (Although they're definitely lower-priority than, say, Undermine or Lugnutz). What do you think would be a good rename for the movie version?
Not sure, I still like Hardtop for him as a movie guy. I keep in him alt mode as that mode works best on the shelf.
Do show him off when you do.D-Maximal_Primal wrote:Can't wait to get mine back out of storage
Is Menasor one you still need? My sympathies if so.D-Maximal_Primal wrote:I still need that mold in some form. I still need a decent amount from Cybertron actually.
ZeldaTheSwordsman wrote:Is Menasor one you still need? My sympathies if so.D-Maximal_Primal wrote:I still need that mold in some form. I still need a decent amount from Cybertron actually.
ZeldaTheSwordsman wrote:Congrats on getting Cybertron TC. I see you've already figured out tucking the strut for his left arm in between his chest and his back.
I remember when so much of the fandom didn't grasp that, and all the bellyaching about the mold that resulted...
rikkomba wrote:
rikkomba wrote:
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