Transformers and More @ The Seibertron Store

Delicon wrote:I transform my toys like an angry child.
Burn wrote:Let it be known, I murdered Amelie.
RogueDeathangel wrote:
Maybe I need to read instructions more often...
Amelie wrote:I discovered that G1 Primes Smoke Stacks can break just by looking at them. Very unimpressive.
Covenant wrote:Totally!
Duke of Luns wrote:Also, for some reason I see a lot of pic of ROTF Sideways transformed wrong(including Seib's galleries, and the Hasbro official pics). There are triangular pieces on his chest that flip up and allow you to peg his backpack behind his head.
Jetfire73 wrote:Pertaining to classics Prowl/ Bluestreak/ Smokescreen - took me a while to realise they have heels...
alldarker wrote:G1 Ultra Magnus' head which connects to the breastplate to make a little 'jet shuttle'
Burn wrote:Let it be known, I murdered Amelie.
SlyTF1 wrote:On Armada Blurr, I dont remember what it was, I think it was his knee extending or somthing. Anyway, I had Armada Blurr since he first came out and just earlier this year, or late last year (my memory is fuzzy on this) he did somthing that I didnt know he could do! I was the one who was controling him of course.
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