This is the 10 year anniversary of Windblade and yet not so fun fact:
there is still no great Windblade toy. They range from seriously flawed to ok. But that doesn't mean we can't rank them. Believe it or not, while this character was introduced to the Transformers brand only 10 years ago, she' has gotten enough toys for the list and has as many toys as legacy G1 characters like Sunstreaker. So let's get to it!
Top 5 Best Windblade Transformers Toys5. Cyberverse warrior WindbladeWhile there are more than 5 Windblade figures out there (and many more when you count redecos), there are only 4 molds ever made in what we could call a "deluxe class" for all age fans. So for my 5th entry, I have the warrior mold from Cyberverse, which is exclusively aimed at a younger audience. While it feels cheaper than your standard deluxe it is also priced less, a lot less was sacrificed with this figure than probably any other warrior class figure from this line (except Shockwave, probably). Hasbro eventually found their groove with the warrior/sub deluxe class in Earthspark, but it was a rough start with Cyberverse, with contenders for the all time worst list like Optimus Prime. Windblade was fine though. Even the gimmick didn't feel as intrusive, and it didn't remove articulation from any of her limbs. I recommended this toy to parents then and would still do so now. Plus it has one of the better jet modes due to it looking more cohesive and less gappy than other versions.

4. Generations Thrilling 30 Windblade Here's the one that started it all. And while it is a very striking design, this is a design that works better as an image than a toy to put on your shelf. Because the stability is a major issue. Not only is is very top heavy, but the heels just don't give enough support, plus they tend to come off the toy. The head is also soemthing that was refined later, since the more elongated look make it look like a Geisha only HR Geiger would love. It is also a true pain to transform with panels and tabs not fitting well. Basically, the only good thing here is the design.

3. Legacy United deluxe Cyberverse WindbladeIt's the most recent one and honestly, I don't have much to say about it. It's an improvement over the previous Cyberverse Windblade we got, but it doesn't really resemble the "cyberverse" take more than others since it doesn't go with exagerated proportions, like the giant turbines or larger eyes. So you basically get another "G1" meat and potatoes Windblade, but this time more red than black. The Transformation is very similar to previous figures with Hasbro still choosing to just let the arms stay at her side, unhidden, in vehicle mode. Not a bad toy and not a bad Windblade figure, but with this being their 5th take on a known design it's too bad that there seems to be nothing new or interesting being done to improve upon past figures aside from articulation.

2. Adventures TAV 55 WindbladeThis mold gets A LOT right which other Windblade toys fail at. I really like the legs, which do give the idea of long boots, and the alt mode doesn't have a gap. It feels more complete and fully realized as a concept of Windblade than all her other toys. However, since it must hide a rather large headsculpt, the alt mode nosecone is large, making the alt mode far more cute than sleek and resulting in a giant kibble hole behind her head. The toy also misses the mark with the wings, by making the turbines look smaller than they should by comparison. The Takara TAV 55 deco is much better than the Hasbro one, since you get the blue highlights on her head along with more black on the body, making her look sleeker, and red paint on her legs that better match the very bold red plastic. And for fans of odd redecos, there is a grey version to make her match Fortress Maximus, going with the theme of her being a city speaker, and another more ninja/stealth themed redeco with a different headsculpt.

TAV on the left, RID on the right.
1. Titans Return WindbladeDoes this toy have flaws that some would find incorrigable? Yes. Can it still be deemed the best Windblade toy? For sure, I'm doing just that. When looking at all the pros and cons, this toy ends up on top for me. We get a sleek body, especially the legs, while not sacrificing any stability. While she is a headmaster, which is a dealbreaker for some, this does let the jet mode be sleeker in the front. Plus it adds a whole level of playability. And for my money, this one has the very best face, which is key to a Windblade figure. I love the subtly metallic highlights framing her porcelain face and I really like the the take on the red eye makeup, which is the closest we've gotten to Sarah Stone's take on the character (which I personally find to be the most iconic looking). It helps make her headsculpt look more like an actual face than a robot wearing a Kabuki mask.

And best of all, this one gets the wings closest to what I'd like with a very angular look and giant turbines, plus a nice mix of black and red. It is to me the most well rounded of all Windblade figures and if I were to just keep one, this would be it.

Honourable Mention: While I tend not to cover licensed figures on this list, a "top" Windblade list would really be lacking if I didn't mention the model kit. Windblade has a very sleek and slight physique, making it hard to design an accurate transforming figure. Well this one does not transform. It's too bad that the details on the head rely on stickers needing a certain level of dexterity and minutia since those details are important to a Windblade figure.