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william-james88 wrote:If ever Sabrblade decides to go on vacation, I am glad to know we can rely on you.
o.supreme wrote:Since the last 2 movie crossovers were retools of existing molds, what retool is this? I find it hard to believe Hasbro would create a whole new mold just for this.
Eh, T30 Jetfire, not so much. The way his legs end up in jet mode would kinda spoil it..Alpha Weltall wrote:Looks almost like it was designed by the people who designed the Star Wars and/or Marvel Crossover figures.
Back when the boxed picture fist leaked, I read a comment by someone who thought they used Classics Jetfire as the base figure. They should have. Either that or T30 Jetfire.
I'm pretty sure that's exactly what happened, that making the jet mode super-clean was a major stipulation. T30 Jetfire has his entire robot mode visible on the undercarriage, and even Classics just has the arms kinda hanging there. This is obviously a figure designed to have as clean of a fighter jet mode as possible while still being a transforming, articulated robot.Alpha Weltall wrote:I'm thinking that in order to obtain a licence to make this they had to leave the jet mode as clean as possible. I believe the Star Wars figures had a similar limitation for their vehicle modes. Using either of the aforementioned Jetfire figures as a base wouldn't leave a clean undercarriage no matter how much you retooled or reshelled them.
You sure?Counterpunch wrote:Atrocious.
There is no way the current brand/design team made this...thing.
1. What "nearly translucent plastic"? I'm pretty sure that's an optical illusion caused by the weathering. If the plastic was really nearly translucent, the wings wouldn't be reflecting as much light in this shot (and the shadows in some of the others would be tinted):Counterpunch wrote:I can already feel how disappointing it will be in hand from that nearly translucent plastic, to the junky forearms, down to the 1980's engineering knee joint.
Va'al wrote:I keep track of everyone. Backwards.
There are atandarfs to maintain.
LOST Cybertronian wrote:Hey, If Mindmaster survived then you should do just fine.
Bigger? He already looks to be Voyager-sized.Quantum Surge wrote:Part of me wishes he was bigger and had lights and sounds. Also don't like how genericon it feels compared to Ectotron and even Gigawatt.
Shadowman wrote:This is Sabrblade we're talking about. His ability to store trivial information about TV shows is downright superhuman.
Caelus wrote:My wife pointed out something interesting about the prehistoric Predacons. I said that everyone was complaining because transforming for them mostly consisted of them just standing up-right. She essentially said, 'So? That's what our ancestors did.'
Quantum Surge wrote:Part of me wishes he was bigger and had lights and sounds. Also don't like how genericon it feels compared to Ectotron and even Gigawatt.
TF-fan kev777 wrote:ZeldaTheSwordsman wrote:I thought Ectotron (who used a Voyager mold as his base) was $50 as well?
$40, at least from the original Pulse release and current restocking listing on entertainment earth.
Zeedust wrote:TF-fan kev777 wrote:ZeldaTheSwordsman wrote:I thought Ectotron (who used a Voyager mold as his base) was $50 as well?
$40, at least from the original Pulse release and current restocking listing on entertainment earth.
Gamestop marked him up to $50 because they're Gamestop.
Va'al wrote:I keep track of everyone. Backwards.
There are atandarfs to maintain.
LOST Cybertronian wrote:Hey, If Mindmaster survived then you should do just fine.
transformers_va wrote:Why does he have that odd speckling?That doesn't match the F-14 from Top Gun
Completely disagree! Top Gun was a great mid 80s movie, that is still very enjoyable to watch.Burn wrote:...the only good thing about the original Top Gun was the soundtrack.
transformers_va wrote:Completely disagree! Top Gun was a great mid 80s movie, that is still very enjoyable to watch.Burn wrote:...the only good thing about the original Top Gun was the soundtrack.
Wow!ZeldaTheSwordsman wrote:1. Did you mean Cyberverse? You have clearly never held a Cybertron toy in your life if you make that mistake.
2. Looking at the photos, the only obvious hollows are in the forearms, where the hands fold away. Cover panels for that have long been a luxury design-wise.
3. News-flash for you, buddy: Everything these days, Studio Series included, uses lightweight plastic. If they didn't, regular deluxes would cost $40.
4. Funny you should bring up the F-14 mode. Given the source movie, the looks of the jet mode are obviously very important. So it seems very probable to me that the robot mode design was dictated by trying to have as clean a jet mode as possible.
5. A lot of the markup is probably licenseflation, with the movie rights owners wanting their cut.
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