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Completely agree! My appreciation of Transformers and Top Gun make this figure a definite buy, even with the figure's shortcomingsprimalxconvoy wrote:transformers_va wrote:Completely disagree! Top Gun was a great mid 80s movie, that is still very enjoyable to watch.Burn wrote:...the only good thing about the original Top Gun was the soundtrack.
The cinematography, such as the opening scene, is a classic. I'm sure it, and many other such scenes in the film, inspired other filmmakers. Compare Top Gun's use of the military to a Michael Bay film, and Brukheimer's vision wins every time, IMO.
That would be cool, although they'd have to change it from an F-14 to an F-15palmcd wrote:I see possible leader 1 repaint out of it
Shadowman wrote:This is Sabrblade we're talking about. His ability to store trivial information about TV shows is downright superhuman.
Caelus wrote:My wife pointed out something interesting about the prehistoric Predacons. I said that everyone was complaining because transforming for them mostly consisted of them just standing up-right. She essentially said, 'So? That's what our ancestors did.'
cruizerdave wrote:Also, how many of you caught the G1 Starscream cameo in Top Gun.
He is in the movie.
primalxconvoy wrote:It's "rubber dog sh*t", from Hong Kong.
transformers_va wrote:Wow!Are you purposely antagonistic, or are you just a d**k? Over the past few days, I've read numerous posts from you that seem hostile towards other members.
I bet you're a real blast at parties lol
transformers_va wrote:Completely disagree! Top Gun was a great mid 80s movie, that is still very enjoyable to watch.Burn wrote:...the only good thing about the original Top Gun was the soundtrack.
Did not know that.. thanks for the heads-up. I just don't like to type it out fully in forumsBurn wrote:You guys really don't need to self censor, we have forum software that does it for you. I consider such things as an attempt to by-pass said filter, which I don't like.
Another did not know.. I'm learning a lot of new things todayBurn to just put him on your "Foes" list so you don't have to see his posts (until someone quotes him)
Completely agree that it's a GREAT soundtrack!Burn wrote:Soundtrack is far superior to the movie. Every single song on that album is a **** classic.
It's the greatest movie soundtrack of all time!
I try to be positive... I really do... But it can be really hard to do that when I see what looks like other people being hyper-negative, and doing things like dumping on a figure to an extreme degree without pause for consideration. It makes me want to step in and defend it, dispute the flaws I find in their claims...Burn wrote:primalxconvoy wrote:It's "rubber dog sh*t", from Hong Kong.transformers_va wrote:Wow!Are you purposely antagonistic, or are you just a d**k? Over the past few days, I've read numerous posts from you that seem hostile towards other members.
I bet you're a real blast at parties lol
You guys really don't need to self censor, we have forum software that does it for you. I consider such things as an attempt to by-pass said filter, which I don't like.
That being said, yes, this is Zelda, he used to be a good bloke, now he's turned cranky and challenges everyone over everything, best to just put him on your "Foes" list so you don't have to see his posts (until someone quotes him)
ZeldaTheSwordsman wrote:I try to be positive... I really do... But it can be really hard to do that when I see what looks like other people being hyper-negative, and doing things like dumping on a figure to an extreme degree without pause for consideration. It makes me want to step in and defend it, dispute the flaws I find in their claims...
That isn't exactly accurate. But it's... situational. I can respect a differing opinion when it's just a differing opinion, although I'm terrible at expressing it half the time.Burn wrote:ZeldaTheSwordsman wrote:I try to be positive... I really do... But it can be really hard to do that when I see what looks like other people being hyper-negative, and doing things like dumping on a figure to an extreme degree without pause for consideration. It makes me want to step in and defend it, dispute the flaws I find in their claims...
Sounds to me like you have no respect for an opinion that differs from yours.
Even if it's something that people were genuinely excited for but turned out to honestly and legitimately resemble a knockoff?ZeldaTheSwordsman wrote:When people start just blasting something, and making strong negative claims about it (such as "This looks like a knock-off!")? That kind of thing sets me off.
Shadowman wrote:This is Sabrblade we're talking about. His ability to store trivial information about TV shows is downright superhuman.
Caelus wrote:My wife pointed out something interesting about the prehistoric Predacons. I said that everyone was complaining because transforming for them mostly consisted of them just standing up-right. She essentially said, 'So? That's what our ancestors did.'
I don't agree that it does resemble a knockoff. And I'm going to argue why I don't:Sabrblade wrote:Even if it's something that people were genuinely excited for but turned out to honestly and legitimately resemble a knockoff?ZeldaTheSwordsman wrote:When people start just blasting something, and making strong negative claims about it (such as "This looks like a knock-off!")? That kind of thing sets me off.
D-Maximal_Primal wrote:I got the same. Might still cancel that pre-order, it just doesn't have the same energy as Gigawatt or Ectotron. That plastic is really bothering me
transformers_va wrote:cruizerdave wrote:Also, how many of you caught the G1 Starscream cameo in Top Gun.
He is in the movie.
I hadn't caught it originally, but I saw a post about it a couple years ago. In the post was also mention of Shockwave being in Aliens
TF-fan kev777 wrote:D-Maximal_Primal wrote:I got the same. Might still cancel that pre-order, it just doesn't have the same energy as Gigawatt or Ectotron. That plastic is really bothering me
I'm on the fence as well, $50 for a voyager is steep, and honestly Maverick's plane isn't nearly iconic as the Delorean or Ecto-1.
D-Maximal_Primal wrote:TF-fan kev777 wrote:D-Maximal_Primal wrote:I got the same. Might still cancel that pre-order, it just doesn't have the same energy as Gigawatt or Ectotron. That plastic is really bothering me
I'm on the fence as well, $50 for a voyager is steep, and honestly Maverick's plane isn't nearly iconic as the Delorean or Ecto-1.
Exactly, there isn't anything really screaming special about his alt mode, the only really neat things on him are the helmet and the volleyball, and honestly the volleyball is the main reason I haven't cancelled yet.
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