Transformers and More @ The Seibertron Store

ScottyP wrote:It hasn't been officially confirmed yet but I suspect one of three things:ciano wrote:ScottyP wrote:Will probably add one soon just to be thorough. I don't expect a brick and mortar retail release of it in the US but you never know!ciano wrote:Is there a sightings page for Power of the Primes Blast Off yet?
Oh, I didn't realize it wasn't expected for a wide release. Do you know off hand where it is expected to come out?
- SDCC Exclusive
- exclusive first available SDCC weekend
- Shared exclusive for online retailers like BBTS, Entertainment Earth, etc
Yep, getting around to updates this week for Studio Series and post Wave 1 Cyberverse, plus some image backlog to go through for released lines. After that comes final polish on PotP, and catch-up for miscellaneous lines like MPM and Rescue Bots, then on to adding the Bee movie products in earnest!optimusprimerotfroc wrote:all of the new studio series figures are missing from the sightings page except for ironhide
optimusprimerotfroc wrote:Studio series 49-56 are missing
None of which have been released yet. Please read the post immediately above yours before making future posts in this thread, I do not want to have to refer you to the moderators for failing to follow instructions from an administrator.optimusprimerotfroc wrote:All the new studio series figures are missing starting with scrapper
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