Transformers and More @ The Seibertron Store

Blurrz wrote:Down_Shift is a god...
Skowl wrote:- Octane (I refuse to call him Tankor. Not only is it NOT his name, but it's one of the stupidest names in all the TF Universe - might as well call him "Trucktor"!)
Hotrod wrote:Down_Shift wrote:Do we have movie stuff up?
It's not due out for a few more months.
Blurrz wrote:Down_Shift is a god...
Hotrod wrote:Fanatical_Magnus wrote:titanium Ultra Magnus G1?
It will not be out for some time.
Blurrz wrote:Down_Shift is a god...
83457W422102 wrote:Legends of Classics Motormaster isn't in the Sightings.
Chosen wrote:83457W422102 wrote:Legends of Classics Motormaster isn't in the Sightings.
Menasor, not Motormaster, but it is meant to be the latter.
Blurrz wrote:Down_Shift is a god...
Down_Shift wrote:How are we about packaging varients? As 83457W422102 and I know all too well, Canada gets boned on 6" Titanium packaging. Before, it all came in Megatrons box, but now it comes in Classics style packaging. I'm aware that it isn't a new figure or anything like that, but should differnt box types be added as well.
Slings and Arrows welcomed.
83457W422102 wrote:Down_Shift wrote:How are we about packaging varients? As 83457W422102 and I know all too well, Canada gets boned on 6" Titanium packaging. Before, it all came in Megatrons box, but now it comes in Classics style packaging. I'm aware that it isn't a new figure or anything like that, but should differnt box types be added as well.
Slings and Arrows welcomed.
Hold up, they come in Classics packaging now? Damn. I haven't seen any past Scourge, Thundercracker and OpOp in Quebec yet. I'll go scouting today and see if I can find some of them new boxes.
Blurrz wrote:Down_Shift is a god...
Stormrider wrote:Ryan, I was looking for Swoop and the other G1 Dinobots and I couldn't find them. I know you must have them some where. What category do you have them under?
Blurrz wrote:Down_Shift is a god...
Down_Shift wrote:Stormrider wrote:Ryan, I was looking for Swoop and the other G1 Dinobots and I couldn't find them. I know you must have them some where. What category do you have them under?
Why would you want to put them in the sightings page? Unless you mean the KO swoop floating around on eBay?
Stormrider wrote:Oops...![]()
I misread the title of the thread. I was thinking that this was Ryan's thread asking which toy gallery should be done next.![]()
When I was looking in the toy section, I noticed the Dinobots weren't there. Sorry for being off topic.
Blurrz wrote:Down_Shift is a god...
Bonger wrote:Hi,
I'm not familiar with how difficult making a website is and all. However, I owuld love a search function with the sightings which could let us sort by state and then by a date range. Thus I could see all that is currently in my area. I twould make the function a lot more user friendly imo.
Ofcourse, as I said, I do not know how complicated this would be. Just an idea.
Blurrz wrote:Down_Shift is a god...
Bonger wrote:OK, I figured that in was somewhere along in the works. As you mentioned ight be cool to put a sightings count under posts count as people like to watchtheir numbers move up. Might give some who would not report some encouragement to post what they see.
And Titanium Magnus is due out next Wednesday??!!!![]()
Blurrz wrote:Down_Shift is a god...
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