by Jason5billion » Fri Sep 01, 2017 2:24 pm
- Motto: "God bless,JasonScottIrelan"
- Weapon: Cyclone Cannon
I was gonna take a picture; but my phone wouldn't let me get on line, much less take a picture. I saw Hazard in the department among the Transformers; but instead of seeing Both and Luke, I saw Blitzwing with him. LOL Needless to say, I didn't get him; and I knew he'd be a Megatron repaint because I remember William-James88 saying they were repaints of each other. As far as Hazard and Blitzwing go, they're just some bad old boys. Beats all you never saw, been in trouble with the law, since Hasbro made their modes. I was gonna take a picture of Blitzwing, that six pack of Transformers that they want $50 for, and I changed my mind on that boxed set because they're one step Turbo changers instead of Deluxe class Transformers like I thought they were. I was gonna just get four blind bag TTC Transformers until I saw lurking in the murk of Voyager class Transformers, Decepticon Octone, so I spent my weekly allowance on those two and one blind bag TTC Transformer that turned out to be Crosshairs. There aren't any more Decepticon Octones, but I can't figure out which Transformer is harder to transform between Megatron and Blitzwing. LOL Next week, I'll see if the bus can take me to Toys R Us. I noticed with Decepticon Octone, the box indicates 22 steps. Too bad that doesn't mean 11 steps per mode.

God bless, Jason Scott Irelan