Transformers and More @ The Seibertron Store

Overcracker wrote:Tons of photos of the event including a Prime toy display, Beast Wars toy displays and multiple Bay movie toy displays.
Emerje wrote:Overcracker wrote:Tons of photos of the event including a Prime toy display, Beast Wars toy displays and multiple Bay movie toy displays.
2014 was an inspired choice.
Emerje wrote:2013 I'm surprised they went with GoKenzan. Feels like they should have done like ROTB and gone with both Kenzan and Gekisoumaru together or DaiKenzan to get Optimus Exprime in there.
Overcracker wrote:Emerje wrote:Overcracker wrote:Tons of photos of the event including a Prime toy display, Beast Wars toy displays and multiple Bay movie toy displays.
2014 was an inspired choice.
The Odd part is calling him "Classic". I guess they went with Evasion mode to not double up on the Knight look which would have been too similar to Last Knight's Caliber Prime. But classic he ain't.
The BB movie diorama is really good.
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