Transformers and More @ The Seibertron Store

Autobot032 wrote:The official Transformers YouTube channel has posted a new video from their Designers Desk series, this time focusing on the upcoming Combiner Wars line.
We've included the video embed below:Published on Nov 10, 2014
Today we meet with Transformers toy designers, Joshua Lamb and John Warden, to talk about Combiner Wars. They'll show you how to swap and combine all-new Legend, Deluxe and Voyager class Generations figures into SUPERION, MENASOR or a Combiner robot from your own imagination!
Keep your optics tuned to for the latest in news and updates, plus the best galleries around!
Shadowman wrote:This is Sabrblade we're talking about. His ability to store trivial information about TV shows is downright superhuman.
Caelus wrote:My wife pointed out something interesting about the prehistoric Predacons. I said that everyone was complaining because transforming for them mostly consisted of them just standing up-right. She essentially said, 'So? That's what our ancestors did.'
Burn wrote:Agamemnon wrote:Let's get back to talking about Burn's mammoth snout flopping...
Well I am Australian. It's kinda what we're known for.
gothsaurus wrote:But wow. This digressed from Thrilling 30. Getting back on topic, I WOULD love a new Predaking... but have to say, he'd toward the bottom of my list with the rest of the beasts. At the TOP of my list (besides the announced Superion/Menasor), I'd say...
Bruticus (G1)
I hope they add a few extra retools and/or heads to add bonus characters. Having a couple extra Constructicons would be especially nice. (or ex constructicons or Autobot counterparts ie. Hauler, Erector, Gravedigger, Hightower, Buckethead, Quickmix, Grapple, Wide Load, Scoop, Quickmix, Landfill...)
Cobotron wrote:gothsaurus wrote: But wow. This digressed from Thrilling 30. Getting back on topic, I WOULD love a new Predaking... but have to say, he'd toward the bottom of my list with the rest of the beasts. At the TOP of my list (besides the announced Superion/Menasor), I'd say...
Devastator - This has GOT to be happening. No doubt.
Bruticus (G1)- I wonder. With the over use(not complaining) of FoC, I could see him sit on
the back burner
Defensor - For sure, gotta have mores
Computron - Anything for another Tron like bike
Raiden - would be AWESOME, but doubt it
Monstructor - Interesting, but a far reach
Abominus - Good Primus, make this real
Predaking - Would be great, but for know I'm happy with my new G1 reissue. It's a
nostalgia thing
Piranacon - Good Primus, make this real
(Goth, I know this is your wish list, just having fun speculating)
I hope they add a few extra retools and/or heads to add bonus characters. Having a couple extra Constructicons would be especially nice. (or ex constructicons or Autobot counterparts ie. Hauler, Erector, Gravedigger, Hightower, Buckethead, Quickmix, Grapple, Wide Load, Scoop, Quickmix, Landfill...)
I have said this twice now, but I love saying it.
I predict with the use of Prime for a Voyager, they will do ateam. Repainting the Stunticons as classics like Mirage, Sideswipe, etc.
It will come out 4th qt. as a Xmas time box set.![]()
Makes me wonder if I should hold off on OP as a single Voyager.
SW's SilverHammer wrote:Actually a combiner Wars Monstructor is a possibility due to possible story relevance. In The Transformers: Robots in Disguise #33, Starscream show Wheeljack the three major combiners teams threats in action at the moment. There's Prowl and the Constructicons on earth, Mototrmaster and the Stunticons who are M.I.A, and Monstructor who's body was never recovered after the events of dark cybertron. The way combiner wars is playing out is to be a veritable arms race, with the stunticons most likely siding with the Decepticons; with Prowl and the Constructicons and monstructor being wild cards, and finally Superion who may either side with the Autobots or Cybertron in general.
gothsaurus wrote:Hey Cobotron, your response was exactly what I was hoping for. Curious what combiners other people are most interested in. Cheers!
Madeus Prime wrote:Tentative guess that we'll get a Prowl figure that is compatible to form the body of a combiner. To homage the events in RID. I'd kill for a Prowlestator
Cobotron wrote:@Goth, SW's SH, and Madeus
It seems that it is all really in IDW's hands. Whatever story they are working on will dictate where this line goes.
I have just started in on IDW books with RID and mtme. Really digging it BTW. I'm not to familiar yet with the "Prowlastator" situation, but from Hasbro's point of view I can't see them going this direction right away. It seems too specific to a probably small percentage of their market.
But, we are talking about a comic book i.e. "soap opera", so they could easily find a way to bring back the missing Constructicon(who?). If the Con-cons have sided with Prowl, maybe the return of said team mate would sway them back to the.
A Monstructor toy would probably rule out the need for Abominus.![]()
IMO, I would love to see re-imagined versions of Abominus and Piranacon.
We need a mole at IDW.
Burn wrote:Agamemnon wrote:Let's get back to talking about Burn's mammoth snout flopping...
Well I am Australian. It's kinda what we're known for.
Sabrblade wrote:Ya'll recall the Leader Ultra Magnus rumor?
Well, the latest from the rumormill is something even bigger:
$150 Titan class Devestator giftset of six Voyagers ... st11810163 ... st11810335
This is same guy who discovered the first image of Hasbro's Masterpiece Sunstorm.
Another user (whose name we might recognize) provides further info: ... st11811202 ... ?p=2730851 ... ?p=2730898
Anyone hungry for a grain of salt?
Shadowman wrote:This is Sabrblade we're talking about. His ability to store trivial information about TV shows is downright superhuman.
Caelus wrote:My wife pointed out something interesting about the prehistoric Predacons. I said that everyone was complaining because transforming for them mostly consisted of them just standing up-right. She essentially said, 'So? That's what our ancestors did.'
Burn wrote:Agamemnon wrote:Let's get back to talking about Burn's mammoth snout flopping...
Well I am Australian. It's kinda what we're known for.
shajaki wrote:thanks guys!
alright, someone help me out. im behind in my IDW reading, so what appendage of devastator does prowl become? if this supposed devastator came out as voyagers, i assume we'd need a new prowl voyager to go with it. which sadly, seems unlikely to me.
GuyIncognito wrote:So are you guys assuming this (rumored) new Devastator is going to be based on the current IDW version? Isn't it just as likely (or more likely) that it'll be an updated version of the original?
Burn wrote:Agamemnon wrote:Let's get back to talking about Burn's mammoth snout flopping...
Well I am Australian. It's kinda what we're known for.
Cobotron wrote:HEY! The Wolf Pack is here!
We better bring some chairs in from the dining room.
It's about to get busy in here.
awww... scrapper was always my favorite constructicon.JelZe GoldRabbit wrote:Prowl became the upper torso and head. That's Hook's spot, but he was relocated to the right leg since Scrapper got... well, scrapped.
shajaki wrote:oh man. theyd have all my monies.
Burn wrote:Agamemnon wrote:Let's get back to talking about Burn's mammoth snout flopping...
Well I am Australian. It's kinda what we're known for.
Burn wrote:Agamemnon wrote:Let's get back to talking about Burn's mammoth snout flopping...
Well I am Australian. It's kinda what we're known for.
Noideaforaname wrote:All this combiner stuff is very exciting... but I feel like Kre-O has already scratched that itch for me. I mean I already geeked out for Menasor and Superion and Devastator, don't really need to again.
I'd assume a "Prowlvastator" would have a Legends Prowl as an alternate head or helmet that covers it. And maybe if it's all a giftset, sell it as 'Devy VS Prowl', keeping the whole head thing a (easily-guessed) secret.
Burn wrote:Agamemnon wrote:Let's get back to talking about Burn's mammoth snout flopping...
Well I am Australian. It's kinda what we're known for.
oh yeahCobotron wrote:Don't they already?shajaki wrote:oh man. theyd have all my monies.![]()
Cobotron wrote:HEY! The Wolf Pack is here!
We better bring some chairs in from the dining room.
It's about to get busy in here.
Wolfman Jake wrote:Cobotron wrote:HEY! The Wolf Pack is here!
We better bring some chairs in from the dining room.
It's about to get busy in here.
Were you just referring to ZeroWolf and me?
Burn wrote:Agamemnon wrote:Let's get back to talking about Burn's mammoth snout flopping...
Well I am Australian. It's kinda what we're known for.
Cobotron wrote:Ya.
I was just being silly because the thread had just started and new folks were showing up.
Party on.
Wolfman Jake wrote:Cobotron wrote:Ya.
I was just being silly because the thread had just started and new folks were showing up.
Party on.
Oh, no problem. It's just the first time someone has been excited that I entered a topic!![]()
I wonder how many Transformers fans are also lycanthrope enthusiasts? There's a lot of conceptual cross-over with transformation and having two forms in one person or body.
In the interest of staying on topic, though, I would guess what we'll get in 2015 for the Combiner Wars will be the Aerialbots, Stunticons, Protectobots, and Combaticons at mass retail. If that 6 voyagers Devastator is a reality, it'll likely be a store exclusive (probably TRU). That's a pretty safe strategy for Hasbro, getting the most iconic combiner teams out there first. If this subline is a hit with the kids, maybe they'll do another round with Technobots and Predacons or somesuch.
Burn wrote:Agamemnon wrote:Let's get back to talking about Burn's mammoth snout flopping...
Well I am Australian. It's kinda what we're known for.
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