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Caelus wrote:I would be more tempted if they released it with the more traditional G2 color scheme.
ZeldaTheSwordsman wrote:Eh, the G2 we really need is G2 colors shuttle Blastoff
Wolfman Jake wrote:Series," why not give us a nice G2 Sideswipe from the new Siege mold? That'll work perfectly! G2 Sideswipe was always a straight up repaint of his G1 mold with new weapons.
Jeddostotle7 wrote:Glad they're using this line to get us some G2 decos, but I would've preferred the Blinding Green And Purple deco, and maybe on TR Megs instead of Siege so he has a more Earth-style tank mode instead of an H-tank.
Seibertron wrote:Jeddostotle7 wrote:Glad they're using this line to get us some G2 decos, but I would've preferred the Blinding Green And Purple deco, and maybe on TR Megs instead of Siege so he has a more Earth-style tank mode instead of an H-tank.
Not to mention it would look good alongside the already G2 Hero Megatron that Takara Tomy released under the Transformers Legends line.
Zeedust wrote:Funpub did a Megatrron in those colors less than two years ago as part of the final FSS. Granted, this will be a lot cheaper, but it's still a bit redundant compared to, say, Ricochet.
Skritz wrote:ZeldaTheSwordsman wrote:Eh, the G2 we really need is G2 colors shuttle Blastoff
True, we do need a proper G2 Blastoff but that's even LESS likely. Same with G2 Defensor.
D-Maximal_Primal wrote:Hmm, interesting choice for the arctic camo Megatron. I was thinking of getting this to be my be-all-end-all Megatron, but maybe I'll skip the retail depending on what the Snow Camo look ends up being.
here's hoping Ricochet comes with a Siege Battlemaster!
Also, hope red Swoop turns out good. If he does, I will need another blue Swoop and a deluxe Groove to make myself some proper combiners using those members
Overcracker wrote:I'm still surprised Takara didn't give us a Reverse Convoy homage out of TR Megatron. All they needed to do was include a Prime Headmaster in the box, they had 3 too choose from, and paint Megatron Blue.
Yes it would have had a Jet Mode Reverse Convoy never had, but it was an extremely easy exclusive to make.
Overcracker wrote:I'm still surprised Takara didn't give us a Reverse Convoy homage out of TR Megatron. All they needed to do was include a Prime Headmaster in the box, they had 3 too choose from, and paint Megatron Blue.
Yes it would have had a Jet Mode Reverse Convoy never had, but it was an extremely easy exclusive to make.
Emerje wrote:I probably wont get Megatron unless we get a blue Optimus Prime to go with him as his counterpart.
I was happy to get the Legends purple Megatron because I had the exclusive Laser Optimus Prime that I could somewhat place against him, but this arctic Megatron on his own doesn't do anything for me.
Overcracker wrote:Emerje wrote:I probably wont get Megatron unless we get a blue Optimus Prime to go with him as his counterpart.
I was happy to get the Legends purple Megatron because I had the exclusive Laser Optimus Prime that I could somewhat place against him, but this arctic Megatron on his own doesn't do anything for me.
Hasbro already gave us a Combat Hero General O. Prime homage:
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