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shajaki wrote:There's huge discussion regarding each new MP, but I figure since each major line has it's own General Discussion thread then it's about time we had one for the Masterpieces!
I'll kick it off with a couple thoughts:
-How do you feel about the current direction Takara is taking with slavish cartoon accuracy?
-The last Seeker (Dirge) is about to be released. Do you think that perhaps an injustice has been done by remolding MP-3 over and over again rather than starting over from scratch?
-The rate of releases is pretty steady. Anyone think MP-50 will be a big deal?
shajaki wrote:-How do you feel about the current direction Takara is taking with slavish cartoon accuracy?
Delta Magnus wrote:This is because you are a hamhanded idiot.
shajaki wrote:-How do you feel about the current direction Takara is taking with slavish cartoon accuracy?
shajaki wrote:-The rate of releases is pretty steady.
Kurona wrote:Awesome, it's nice to have an actual general discussion rather than hopping around trying to find old buried threads of whatever you want to talk about. One thing I'm curious about; what's everyone's least favourite MP? Maybe it's a bit of a negative note, but... ehh, I'm curious anyhow especially to see how my MP Road Rage holds up.
Oh, and I suppose I mean least favourite from MP-10 onwards. MP-05 Megatron and MP-09 Rodimus would be very obvious contenders and picks otherwise...
Delta Magnus wrote:This is because you are a hamhanded idiot.
shajaki wrote:I'll kick it off with a couple thoughts:
-How do you feel about the current direction Takara is taking with slavish cartoon accuracy?
-The last Seeker (Dirge) is about to be released. Do you think that perhaps an injustice has been done by remolding MP-3 over and over again rather than starting over from scratch?
-The rate of releases is pretty steady. Anyone think MP-50 will be a big deal?
Rodimus Prime wrote:I do hope they do a special character for MP-50, though they didn't do one for MP-25 or MP-30, so i'm not holding my breath. My choice would be G2 Megatron.
This is why it's in question for me. Two things they sort of celebrated about were Star Saber and Primal, so it's not to say they don't have special occasions in the MP line. But on the other hand, they weren't based on the numbers. Still, 50 is a big number to ignoresteals_your_goats wrote:i think they'll do someone big for number 50. That's a pretty big milestone for the line and I just hope it's not a redo of Optimus. MP-10 is pretty much perfect so I'd rather they save it for like Jetfire or Galvatron.
wilcosu35 wrote:Personally i would have liked to see an entire new mold seeker, instead of one that leans heavily on mp-3 and its limited transformation tech when compared to what we get nowadays. If they can to magic like on inferno or megatron, surely they can do this.
Yeah, they should all be based off of one mold, but they're currently all based on the heavily bastardized MP-3. Nowadays we have ladder magic, and the nosecone back kibble of the Coneheads just seems unacceptable to me at this pointWillyjay wrote:Thats one of my biggest gripes with the line. I really feel they should have started from scratch with MP11 or at least started from scratch for the Coneheads.
No worries, we all have our specific tastes. And I realized something: with the current direction Takara is taking, and the community currently split over it, it doesn't mean you'll be left in the dust. Not by the 3P's anyways! They don't seem to be slowed down much when the official product comes out, and it's likely due to how different they are from one another. And one of their biggest selling points seems to be leaving in the realistic details.ExciKaiser wrote:Apparently I'll get lot of ennemies here, but I absolutely hates it.
I stopped looking at MPs after MP-10.
The lack of details in the cartoon was not a style, only cost decision and lack of motivation. Reproducing this on toys makes no sense to me.
Not to me. It's still incredibly special, and being the whore I am all I want is moreExciKaiser wrote:It loses the "exceptionality" of masterpiece figure. It's now only a regular line.
shajaki wrote:
I'll kick it off with a couple thoughts:
-How do you feel about the current direction Takara is taking with slavish cartoon accuracy?
Shadowman wrote:This is Sabrblade we're talking about. His ability to store trivial information about TV shows is downright superhuman.
Caelus wrote:My wife pointed out something interesting about the prehistoric Predacons. I said that everyone was complaining because transforming for them mostly consisted of them just standing up-right. She essentially said, 'So? That's what our ancestors did.'
So if I got you straight, if they look simple then they should be simple?SillyMcGilly wrote:So at all you G1 and Beast Wars Masterpiece collectors, more power to you, but I like my Beast Wars and G1 designs easier to transform and go "kwa cho cho" with.
I made the thread with the intent of discussing all forms of MP's. Whether they be Hasbro, Takara, Beast Wars, MPM, or whatever else comes down the pipe. As far as how to differentiate them, just MPM, BWMP, and all the rest just being MP? Works for meKurona wrote:Huh, I thought this was just for the normal Masterpiece line. I don't mind having it extend to MPMs as well.
I can't speak to that. The only QC issues I've personally experienced id MP-5's diecast rust, and I have yet to open my 36.Bumblebee21 wrote:Paint chipping stuff breaking the chrome being crap.
Yeah... but middle of a line that's going to go for how long? If they didn't take the path they did, we'd still be getting random designs at random scales. I'm glad they chose something concrete. And I see the change towards cartoon accuracy just an evolution of that decision.Bumblebee21 wrote:And who makes a design chance in the middle of the line. You don't go from a toy/toon hybrid line to full toon. That just irks me sooo much.
It's a collector grade, imported toy. And if 36 was QC free, would you be complaining about that price?Bumblebee21 wrote:And the prices. Oh. My. God. $230 for a paint chipping megs. $140 for the fusos the size of Ironhide and ratchet.
I can't explain why the vans have those hip panels are there. They could have easily been engineered to go somewhere else. But to say "kibble all over the place"... I mean let's be subjective. We're not talking about Big Convoy or AOE Leader Prime so come on.Bumblebee21 wrote:How are mp-36 and mp-39 cartoon accurate when there's so much kibboe all over the place on them. Megs back is a kibbly mess. Should I even talk about sunstreaker and his buttflap and backpack
shajaki wrote:-How do you feel about the current direction Takara is taking with slavish cartoon accuracy?
Leonardo wrote:Take your lips off my pipe!
While I completely agree with you, I think that just maybe the MP line might be the exception. But I'm seriously not holding my breath either.ScottyP wrote:I'm gonna go out on a very sturdy, well traveled limb that looks more like a sturdy wooden bridge and say they won't do anything special for MP-50 just because of the number. They just don't care about numbers. They're IDs and nothing more. Observe some historical examples:
I'm surprised to hear you say that Sunstreaker isn't a huge offender. Given that head sculpt, and how much complaining has arisen because of it I thought you wouldn't be down for 39.Ironhidensh wrote:Now, Sunstreaker looks to be taking more after Magnus than Inferno, and that is good. I hope Takara has realized their mistake.
Leonardo wrote:Take your lips off my pipe!
Ironhidensh wrote:Lets be honest, the animation from G1 was pretty bad, why in the name of God is Takara trying to duplicate it?
Kurona wrote:Ironhidensh wrote:Lets be honest, the animation from G1 was pretty bad, why in the name of God is Takara trying to duplicate it?
Well... because it's popular. People love that show, to the extent they put on rose-tinted glasses to say the animation is clearly way better than anything we get today... even though it really shows its age and even for its time I don't think it was very good. Point is, it's bad, but people love it. Same reason we're getting stuff like the Emoji movie or Transformers 8.
Leonardo wrote:Take your lips off my pipe!
shajaki wrote:-How do you feel about the current direction Takara is taking with slavish cartoon accuracy?
-The last Seeker (Dirge) is about to be released. Do you think that perhaps an injustice has been done by remolding MP-3 over and over again rather than starting over from scratch?
-The rate of releases is pretty steady. Anyone think MP-50 will be a big deal?
shajaki wrote:There's huge discussion regarding each new MP, but I figure since each major line has it's own General Discussion thread then it's about time we had one for the Masterpieces!
I'll kick it off with a couple thoughts:
-How do you feel about the current direction Takara is taking with slavish cartoon accuracy?
-The last Seeker (Dirge) is about to be released. Do you think that perhaps an injustice has been done by remolding MP-3 over and over again rather than starting over from scratch?
-The rate of releases is pretty steady. Anyone think MP-50 will be a big deal?
Black Hat wrote:One thing I'd like to see is some more non-G1 MPs. The BW stuff is a nice fork in the road, and the MPMs look great, but there's others I'd like to see too. G2 Prime and Megatron (and the Scourge redeco of Prime to go with it), RID Megatron, Armada MPs in general...
1. Star Saber (Transformers Victory) – 31.2%
2. Convoy (Micron Legend) / Transformers Armada Optimus Prime – 24.3%
3. Super Ginrai (Chojin Masterforce) / Powermaster Optimus Prime (Generation 1) – 18.6%
4. Dai Atlas (Transformer Zone) – 8.0%
5. Super Fire Convoy (Car Robots) / Robots in Disguise Optimus Prime – 4.9%
6. Beast Convoy / Beast Wars Optimus Primal – 4.6%
7. Galaxy Convoy (Galaxy Force) / Transformers Cybertron Optimus Prime – 2.5%
8. Big Convoy (Beast Wars Neo) – 2.1%
9. Lio Convoy (Beast Wars Second) – 2.0%
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