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DeathReviews wrote:The concept art always looked amazing. But I have been almost universally disappointed by every figure made based on this bayverse design. They've been overly fiddly, a chore to transform, frustrating to handle, and they pose like a block of pig iron. The MP version would have to do a heckuvva lot to dispel the foul stench that all the other versions of Bayverse Brawl have left in the air.
Cheesinator wrote:Does that apply to the studio series release? I always thought that was a solid figure.
EvasionModeBumblebee wrote:Cheesinator wrote:Does that apply to the studio series release? I always thought that was a solid figure.
Besides the turret tail, the Studio Series one is pretty great! Not only fun but also very screen accurate.
And while it isn't as screen accurate, the 07 leader class figure is an absolute blast!
With the repaints they've done of Ratchet and Starscream, I wonder if we'll get a tan desert deco of this figure for the one that appears in DOTM. We need that in Studio Series too!
Does that apply to the studio series release? I always thought that was a solid figure.
EvasionModeBumblebee wrote:MPM-15 gets revealed this Friday! Can’t wait to see how he looks!
-Kanrabat- wrote:TF-fan kev777 wrote:First-Aid wrote:Okay, did anyone else notice that we all get a wonderful shot of Starscreams crotch anytime he sits in that throne? That's unnerving. Couldn't they have put n extra flap in there? It's....weird.
Its kind of like Basic Instinct, but not in a good way...
Goddammit, now I can't unsee it.
Solrac333 wrote:Nice! I shall wait for a HUGE discount sale like I did with Blackout and Bonecrusher.
DeathReviews wrote:The figure looks excellent. But it lists 79 transformation steps. I've had several of the movie Brawl/Devastator tank figures over the course of years. The 2007 Deluxe figure. The 2008 Leader figure. The Studio Series Voyager. Because I like a good tank figure, and the movie figure looked pretty neat. However, as time went by, I let go of each one, either selling or giving them away.
And the transformations were the main reason. They were just too fussy, too fiddly, too complicated. The engineering necessary to get the tank figure to turn into the robot figure required too much effort IMO, and I felt it made it so the figures weren't any fun.
Secondly, the robot modes were too encumbered to get decent poses. In most cases, the articulation points were all there, so there was great potential for good posing. But there was so much parts crashing that the poses couldn't actually be achieved.
And while this MP Brawl does look amazing, it also looks as of both those issues would be front and center. So unless I saw it on deep discount, it's most likely a regretful pass.
-Kanrabat- wrote:Solrac333 wrote:Nice! I shall wait for a HUGE discount sale like I did with Blackout and Bonecrusher.
Still waiting for this yet to happen Bonecrusher sale...
As for Brawl, how much will it cost? Same as Bony?
Emerje wrote:He'll probably be at the $165 price point at Target like Bonecrusher and Blackout were despite being drastically different sized figures. Not sure how that translates for you.
EvasionModeBumblebee wrote:Sam Smith has returned, looks like we have another post from him on the way! Can’t wait, these posts he does are awesome.
Emerje wrote:EvasionModeBumblebee wrote:Sam Smith has returned, looks like we have another post from him on the way! Can’t wait, these posts he does are awesome.
Kinda funny that he's addressing this before they've done a western announcement. I guess that means a Target listing is eminent.
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