Transformers and More @ The Seibertron Store

-Kanrabat- wrote:My thoughts on what I got so far:
D. Sentinel Prime:
An EXCELLENT figure. I love the throwback to DOTM with his shield. The bot mode is solid and the jet mode is flawless, even from underneath. It was not that easy to figure out his transformation because everything was so TIGHT, but otherwise, it may be the best deluxe in the mainline so far.
D. Alpha Trion:
Look great in both modes, but the transformation is way too simplistic and unsatisfying. Still, a nice nod to Titan Returns Alpha Trion. Also, I find hilarious that the beast mode is horny, and the bot mode is wielding a sword and a dildo as his weapons.
D. Optimus Prime / Orion Pax:
Much better looking than the SS deluxe in both modes, but he's so tiny. He's barely a scout. Why so smol? Plus his transformation is a bit annoying with his arms popping off due to the overtight transformation joints. Plus in bot mode, his wrists would have benefitted from a pin joint because removing the axe from his fist take the whole hand off. This may cause a break if the axe is used too often. This Optimus is the worst deluxe of the 4, but it's not bad enough to be returned to the store.
D. Bumblebee:
Look good in both modes, except for the overlarge feet that leave a big gap in both mode and a huge tail in vehicle mode. His transformation was not too easy to figure out because the arms had to be transformed in a specific order. Appart the small flaws, this Bee is very, very good. The second best deluxe of the four.
1step Airachnid:
Amazing beast/drone mode, but the bot is a bit sad. She have NO LEGS, her dorso resting on a stool. That is my impression. The transformation is simple, obviously, but satisfying.
The overall quality of all these figures are very solid. good paint, tights joints, great look, and they feel premium in hand, compared to the Cyberverse/Earthspark deluxes. My wallet is crying over these purchases, but my heart don't regret it one bit.
william-james88 wrote:I remember sitting with you in 2014 when you told me your idea of what to you qualifies as a perfect transformers toy. And i was thinking of your words while handling Sentinel prime. Nice clean bot mode and alt mode with an elegant transformation to go between them.
-Kanrabat- wrote:william-james88 wrote:I remember sitting with you in 2014 when you told me your idea of what to you qualifies as a perfect transformers toy. And i was thinking of your words while handling Sentinel prime. Nice clean bot mode and alt mode with an elegant transformation to go between them.
10 years....![]()
But yeah, for me, a PERFECT Transformers is one that not only look good in both modes, but also have a nice, clean, and satisfying transformation.
There are many of them on my list.
And speaking of lists, maybe they could make a comeback?
william-james88 wrote:
Top 5 sentinel prime could be interesting
In the case of my Walmarts, they're evidently waiting for all the unsold stock of ROTB mainline toys still sitting on the pegs and shelves to first be all bought up, when nobody wants any of it.Emerje wrote:So are these showing up at Walmart at all yet? I've only been seeing them at Target, what are they waiting for?
Shadowman wrote:This is Sabrblade we're talking about. His ability to store trivial information about TV shows is downright superhuman.
Caelus wrote:My wife pointed out something interesting about the prehistoric Predacons. I said that everyone was complaining because transforming for them mostly consisted of them just standing up-right. She essentially said, 'So? That's what our ancestors did.'
chuckdawg1999 wrote:This is the definition of a desk toy, and it's perfect!
Jack_Burton wrote:Purchased a few of the new figures but also picked up this miss pack of Sentinel Prime in an Optimus Prime box. Anyone know if this is a common mistake going around??
william-james88 wrote:Jack_Burton wrote:Purchased a few of the new figures but also picked up this miss pack of Sentinel Prime in an Optimus Prime box. Anyone know if this is a common mistake going around??
With toy swapping being a common practice, it’s more probable its a swap than a packing mistake
muddyjoe wrote:And, in a few months, all this garbage will be available at Ollie's, Big Lots or Dollar General.
william-james88 wrote:muddyjoe wrote:And, in a few months, all this garbage will be available at Ollie's, Big Lots or Dollar General.
Its been over a year since ROTB, did you see those at Ollie’s?
-Kanrabat- wrote:For some reasons, I keep getting unsubscribed from this thread.
Emerje wrote:-Kanrabat- wrote:For some reasons, I keep getting unsubscribed from this thread.
If you get an update email and don't come to the thread it'll assume you aren't interested and stop sending them. Or at least that's been my experience, but I just look for the red icons to tell me there's been a post and click on the orange icon next to it to be taken to the most recent post since my last visit, I rarely check my email for them.
September 17 is when the first episode of the G1 cartoon premiered back in 1984.Emerje wrote:If you wonder the reason why today is Transformers day it's because Walmart apparently said so.
Shadowman wrote:This is Sabrblade we're talking about. His ability to store trivial information about TV shows is downright superhuman.
Caelus wrote:My wife pointed out something interesting about the prehistoric Predacons. I said that everyone was complaining because transforming for them mostly consisted of them just standing up-right. She essentially said, 'So? That's what our ancestors did.'
Sabrblade wrote:September 17 is when the first episode of the G1 cartoon premiered back in 1984.Emerje wrote:If you wonder the reason why today is Transformers day it's because Walmart apparently said so.
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