Transformers and More @ The Seibertron Store

Bounti76 wrote:Emerje wrote:Bounti76 wrote:Ross
T.J.Maxx, but close enough.
ultraimpossibleman wrote:Grand innacurration and heavy mistakes !
Diem wrote:This is exactly the kind of nonsense I'm here for.
NTESHFT wrote:Does he transform into anything. I don't recall him having an alt mode in the movie...
-Kanrabat- wrote:NTESHFT wrote:Does he transform into anything. I don't recall him having an alt mode in the movie...
Nope. A HUGE missed opportunity here. In the movie, it's mentioned that he's a headmaster. And he was supposed to go all headmaster on Nitro. They even prepared the toy for that. But NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, the scene was scrapped in favor of more human smelling each other's butts.
NTESHFT wrote:Does he transform into anything. I don't recall him having an alt mode in the movie...
Carnivius_Prime wrote:NTESHFT wrote:Does he transform into anything. I don't recall him having an alt mode in the movie...
He turns into a lovely looking licensed Aston Martin and can fit TWO Titan Masters in the seats (thereby outdoing most Titan Returns figures at their own gimmick and doing it with a realistic alt-mode too).
I've had mine since last year and he's very nice and got some great detailing and such. Worth way more than that 10 bucks price so go snap him up while you can.
MrMunkeepants wrote:was Cogman in the same wave as Nitro Zeus? I never saw either of them at retail, and they were the only ones I was interested in. If they both show up at discount stores it might be worth driving around for them...
RotorstormNZ wrote:I hope Cogman comes to New Zealand. I'd love me a robo-butler Headmaster!!
Concept art for the Skulk figure for the Toys R Us Infernocus Exclusive set, for the Transformers the Last Knight toyline. He's a mean looking one, nice change of pace from my regular Transformers work.
Commissioned in partnership with Hasbro, Inc. Copyright 2018
Concept art for the Quintessa pack in figure for the Toys R Us Infernocus Exclusive set, for the Transformers the Last Knight toyline. Swipe to see a few different versions.
ZeroWolf wrote:Urm Va'al you said the set was exclusive to Target when it was a Toys r Us exclusive
Va'al wrote:ZeroWolf wrote:Urm Va'al you said the set was exclusive to Target when it was a Toys r Us exclusive
Too many T shops. Fixed!
william-james88 wrote:Va'al wrote:ZeroWolf wrote:Urm Va'al you said the set was exclusive to Target when it was a Toys r Us exclusive
Too many T shops. Fixed!
Dont worry. The world heard your frustration over that and removed one from the US
Carnivius_Prime wrote:NTESHFT wrote:Does he transform into anything. I don't recall him having an alt mode in the movie...
He turns into a lovely looking licensed Aston Martin and can fit TWO Titan Masters in the seats (thereby outdoing most Titan Returns figures at their own gimmick and doing it with a realistic alt-mode too).
I've had mine since last year and he's very nice and got some great detailing and such. Worth way more than that 10 bucks price so go snap him up while you can.
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