Transformers and More @ The Seibertron Store

The Transformers battle explodes into uncharted territory when the Titans Return! To control an ancient race of giant, city-sized warriors–Titans–the Transformers must harness the power of Titan Masters, smaller bots that give bigger bots enhanced abilities in battle. Every Titan Master figure can become the head for any Deluxe Class, Voyager Class, or Leader Class Titans Return figure. Choose from Autobot and Decepticon Titan Master characters, unite them with other figures, and imagine they’re powering up for battle! Each Titans Return Deluxe Class figure comes with a Titan Master figure. The Titan Master figure becomes the head of Deluxe Class figure. When the Deluxe Class figure is in vehicle mode, the Titan Master figure fits inside. Also includes individual accessories and collectible character card. Additional figures are each sold separately. Subject to availability.
The Transformers battle explodes into uncharted territory when the Titans Return! To control an ancient race of giant, city-sized warriors–Titans–the Transformers must harness the power of Titan Masters, smaller bots that give bigger bots enhanced abilities in battle. Titans Return Legends Class figures deliver exciting Transformers conversion in a smaller scale. Most Titans Return Legends Class figures are Triple Changers that convert from robot to spy tablet to beast mode. In spy tablet mode, Triple Changers Legends Class figures work with Titans Return Leader Class Autobot Blaster figures. Additional figures are each sold separately. Subject to availability. Also includes a collectible character card.
The Transformers battle explodes into uncharted territory when the Titans Return! To control an ancient race of giant, city-sized warriors–Titans–the Transformers must harness the power of Titan Masters, smaller bots that give bigger bots enhanced abilities in battle. Every Titan Master figure can become the head for any Deluxe Class, Voyager Class, or Leader Class Titans Return figure. Choose from Autobot and Decepticon Titan Master characters, unite them with other figures, and imagine they’re powering up for battle! Each Titans Return Voyager Class figure comes with a Titan Master figure. The Titan Master figure becomes the head of Voyager Class figure. When the Voyager Class figure is in vehicle mode, the Titan Master figure fits inside. Each Voyager scale figure is also a triple changer. Includes individual accessories and collectible character card. Additional figures are each sold separately. Subject to availability.
The Transformers battle explodes into uncharted territory when the Titans Return! To control an ancient race of giant, city-sized warriors–Titans–the Transformers must harness the power of Titan Masters, smaller bots that give bigger bots enhanced abilities in battle. Every Titan Master figure can become the head for any Deluxe Class, Voyager Class, or Leader Class Titans Return figure. Choose from Autobot and Decepticon Titan Master characters, unite them with other figures, and imagine they’re powering up for battle! Each Titans Return Leader Class figure comes with a Titan Master figure. The Titan Master figure becomes the head of Leader figure. When the Leader Class figure is in vehicle mode, the Titan Master figure fits inside. Each Titans Return Leader Class figure also features three modes! These Triple Changers convert between robot, vehicle, and city modes. Also includes individual accessories and collectible character card. Additional figures are each sold separately. Subject to availability.
The Transformers battle explodes into uncharted territory when the Titans Return! To control an ancient race of giant, city-sized warriors–Titans–the Transformers must harness the power of Titan Masters, smaller bots that give bigger bots enhanced abilities in battle. Every Titan Master figure can become the head for any Deluxe Class, Voyager Class, or Leader Class Titans Return figure. Choose from Autobot and Decepticon Titan Master characters, unite them with other figures, and imagine they’re powering up for battle! Each Titan Master figure converts from robot to head mode and back in 1 step. They come with a mini vehicle or mini beast that converts to a weapon for Titans Return Deluxe, Voyager, or Leader Class figures. Additional figures are each sold separately. Subject to availability.
william-james88 wrote:If ever Sabrblade decides to go on vacation, I am glad to know we can rely on you.
Well, they are called "Titantmasters" instead... It sound less fellationny and more powerry. I like it.
william-james88 wrote:If ever Sabrblade decides to go on vacation, I am glad to know we can rely on you.
william-james88 wrote:If ever Sabrblade decides to go on vacation, I am glad to know we can rely on you.
Hasbro wrote:Most Titans Return Legends Class figures are Triple Changers that convert from robot to spy tablet to beast mode.
Hellscream9999 wrote:And, is it just me, or is it super cute, and ingenious how overkills lower jaw are the legs of the headmaster (even using the natural joint to give it articulation), and the t-rex arms are the headmasters arms?
Delta Magnus wrote:This is because you are a hamhanded idiot.
Mechastrike wrote:just when i was dead set on buying Unique Toys Mania King... DAMN YOU HASBRO! (shakes fist in the air).
william-james88 wrote:Mechastrike wrote:just when i was dead set on buying Unique Toys Mania King... DAMN YOU HASBRO! (shakes fist in the air).
But deep down, are you happy you get to save a whole bunch of cash?
Caelus wrote:So, how will this play in the comics?
D-Maximus_Prime wrote:Even if he is a bit big, Blaster still looks good. I can carry him around as an actual boombox!!!
Caelus wrote:D-Maximus_Prime wrote:Even if he is a bit big, Blaster still looks good. I can carry him around as an actual boombox!!!
You can probably fit a modern MP3 player inside his tape-deck.
Longrack79 wrote:I will be needing that Galvatron in original toy colors. I am looking at you here,Takara.
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