Transformers and More @ The Seibertron Store

Broken pic.ZeldaTheSwordsman wrote:I might have to do that with Mirage's hips, because the waist is closed by friggin' pins instead of screws. I swear, someone at Takara RN hates customizers.
Anyway, I recently found out about this on Twitter. Rung makes a decent substitute for the Omega Long for transforming Cybertron Primus.
Which is hilariously appropriate.
Shadowman wrote:This is Sabrblade we're talking about. His ability to store trivial information about TV shows is downright superhuman.
Caelus wrote:My wife pointed out something interesting about the prehistoric Predacons. I said that everyone was complaining because transforming for them mostly consisted of them just standing up-right. She essentially said, 'So? That's what our ancestors did.'
Fix'd. Must have bumped "P" too hard when typing the first bracket for the closing tag.Sabrblade wrote:Broken pic.
ZeldaTheSwordsman wrote:I might have to do that with Mirage's hips, because the waist is closed by friggin' pins instead of screws. I swear, someone at Takara RN hates customizers.
Anyway, I recently found out about this on Twitter. Rung makes a decent substitute for the Omega Long for transforming Cybertron Primus.
Which is hilariously appropriate.
ZeldaTheSwordsman wrote:So. Legacy Soundwave is my first time having the SIEGE Soundwave mold. It's a neat design, but I'm definitely noting some issues. One is that they didn't properly check clearance between the + end of Soundwave's shoulder cannon, and the engines. It's not as bad as Kingdom Rodimus' trailer rifle storage (where, in my experience, you have to leave the rifle partly unfolded to close the trailer without the tip snagging) but it's definitely noticeable.
More annoying is the leg panels used for the altmode. Their clearance and/or alignment is also off. They refuse to actually fold down and tab in for robot mode, they spring back out just shy of the slots and don't sit flat against the legs. They also force a bit of a droop in altmode.
Is this an issue on anyone else's copy, and was it present on the SIEGE release?
Burn wrote:I picked up Siege Snapdragon a couple of weeks back, so naturally I had to get Apeface as well, and he arrived yesterday.
One thing I noticed on Apeface is the white plastic seems to be of a lesser quality than that of Snapdragon's white plastic, it actually reminded me of 3D printed white plastic.
Is there a noticeable difference in plastic between the two figures?
It's actually not lesser at all. It feels similar to 3D printed because it's a nylon plastic, but it's quite the opposite of low-quality. Apeface uses some tiny tabs, particularly in beast mode, that would be quite breakage-prone if they were made out of the usual ABS plastic.Burn wrote:One thing I noticed on Apeface is the white plastic seems to be of a lesser quality than that of Snapdragon's white plastic, it actually reminded me of 3D printed white plastic.
ZeldaTheSwordsman wrote:As well you should be! That turned out great!
Now if only the trailer wasn't sized for the Classics Deluxe
Till-all-R1 wrote:I got a surprise email yesterday night about an order that has shipped and I'm like the only thing I've got on PO with EE is Siege Jetfire reissue set for May! So while a neat early and cool surprise, it also means unlocated budgetary expense for sooner then expected. lol
Still, it's far better then the ebay prices on it!
Till-all-R1 wrote:I finally opened Jetfire today to display with the rest and, WOW, I was really taken aback by his size. I knew it was a fairly sizable Bot clocking in at around 12" tall but until you actually see it standing next to the other Autobots you really don't get a sense of scale. I mean I'm flabbergasted that he's considered a Commander Class and sells for under $100 when he truly feels closer to Titan size, especially when your previous experience with Commander Class has only been Rodimus that barely stands 2" higher than Hot Rod.
It really drives it home that either one was very overly priced or under priced, and for me anyway, it was Rodimus that was over priced and I'm glad that I only paid $60 for him.
After this revelation maybe it's a good thing I was never able to get Omega Supreme as I don't know if I have a place to even display him!
Ditto. Except I sold mine a couple years ago...D-Maximal_Primal wrote:I sold my Jetfire a couple weeks ago, he's good, but I decided to keep my T30 one as my Jetfire, and I have the mold as SG Jetfire, so I am good with that.
I would have both Rodimus and Motormaster at the top of my list if we're only considering the robots themselves. But ranking them as a whole, for me the trailers bring the ranking down, especially for Rodimus. Motormaster's trailer at least has a better function. Even though im kinda souring on my Menasor as well. Otherwise the robot components are top-notch for both of them.In terms of Commanders, I rank the ones so far as:
1) Rodimus Prime
2) Sky Lynx
3) SG Jetfire
4) Motormaster
5) Jetfire
Rodimus Prime wrote:That's because Rodimus is all rear end![]()
in vehicle mode at least.
So far, I rank the commander releases as follows, considering all aspects:
1. Sky Lynx
2. SG Jetfire
3. Motormaster
4. Siege Jetfire
5. Rodimus Prime
Once he's out, I suspect Armada Prime will take the #1 spot, and SS86 Magnus will take it from him, if indeed we're getting one.
It's the trailer. To me it's dead weight. I understand the purpose for it, it's an update/homage to the G1 figure and the trailer make it accurate. But function-wise, to me the trailer is practically useless, unless I'm displaying him in vehicle mode. The robot mode is top-notch, like I said, but my ranking is for the overall figure, and it's just not that much fun to deal with the plastic brick.sol magnus wrote:Rodimus Prime wrote:That's because Rodimus is all rear end![]()
in vehicle mode at least.
So far, I rank the commander releases as follows, considering all aspects:
1. Sky Lynx
2. SG Jetfire
3. Motormaster
4. Siege Jetfire
5. Rodimus Prime
Once he's out, I suspect Armada Prime will take the #1 spot, and SS86 Magnus will take it from him, if indeed we're getting one.
Yikes. I have Rodimus Prime at 1! I also think overall, he;s the best WFC figure, period!
5.SG Jetfire (not that he;s bad, just that he;s a repaint)
4. Sky Lynx
3. Motormaster
2, Jetfire
1. Rodimus Prime (i own TWO)
Honestly, they're all great and picking the places was kind of hard - EXCEPT for Rodimus. Is it his size that has him that low for you?
Emerje wrote:Do you have Sky Lynx? He's another commander that takes up a bit of real estate wherever you decide to put him (in pretty much every direction) and I suspect Armada Prime is will be similar to Jetfire and Menasor, though he's quite a bit shorter, maybe 10". Ultra Magnus will probably the same height, Rodimus is definitely the odd one out at this class.
sol magnus wrote:I have Rodimus Prime at 1! I also think overall, he;s the best WFC figure, period!
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