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12 years ago, they would have been. But with what Leader-class has become... Rodimus could maybe have scraped Leader with a simpler transformation and a worse camper, but no way in hell could Motormaster have gotten away with it. Needed both the size and the ability to have multiple sets of heavy ratchet joints due to how they did Menasor, as well as for extra parts for the cab alone to turn into a G1-accurate robot when the G1 robot mode was made of both cab and trailer. As a bonus it means he's a full cab and trailer... without being a dwarf truck when next to the other Stunticons like the G1 toy was.Till-all-R1 wrote:For me both Rodimus and Motormaster chould have been Leaders
Well, that sucks for you and makes it a pity there wasn't an option to buy without. But I think it's better he have it.Till-all-R1 wrote:Now I get that at least Motormaster needs the trailer to create Menasaur, thus you couldn't technically have a "Voyager" release of him. And to an extent same for Rodimus because of the alt mode and you don't tend to see him without the trailer. But personally I'd have been fine just buying him for the bot only to display as I don't plan on interacting with the battle platform.
Optimus came with a watered-down, stretched-thin miniscule JOKE of a trailer more suited to the Classics Deluxe (which FYI is smaller than the G1 toy!) than to the Optimus it came with. It's really a glorified Micromaster platform and only shines as part of that play pattern.Till-all-R1 wrote:Another "space issue" here. But for Motormaster I may actually build Menasaur once I "collect them all". I just feel Commander Class was a bit much for these two, personally. Especially compared to a behemoth like Jetfire, I just don't see where the "extra" resources were put into Rodimus when Leader Prime and magnus both came with trailers.
Then why do you even still buy the transforming versions at all? It's kinda sounding like you no longer value that aspect.Till-all-R1 wrote:As a kid sure, I would have played with them for hours and enjoyed utilizing said trailer but now all I do is display them in Bot mode and the trailer is stored away if not sold off.
I don't think Motormaster really counts as that considering he forms the lion's share of Menasor (in fact, he can basically be a standalone version with skeletal limbs that stands as tall as Jetfire), and Armada Optimus sure as hell doesn't count as that. I also wonder if you'll still feel that way when they give us a Commander-class G1 Optimus and with it a trailer that blows the Earthrise joke out of the water.Till-all-R1 wrote:I would definitely place Jetfire at the top for Commander releases, with SG version a second because of the coolness factor of that deco! And he'll probably stay there for a very long time if all they do are Rodimus Prime types of releases, basically a Voyager bot with extras.
Except no. Springer's engineering isn't as overdesigned as Optimus' (or Legacy Blitzwing's), nor is he as dense or as armed as Astrotrain, nor does he have any other sort of accessory that would drive him up to Leader. As for standing almost as tall as Optimus... that's more because WFC Optimus is shorter than he should be. I stuck with Combiner Wars Optimus instead of getting Siege or ER (not that I ever saw SIEGE on shelves lol) for that very reason.Till-all-R1 wrote:I mean Technically Springer should have been a Leader being that he's a triple changer and stands almost as tall as OP.
ZeldaTheSwordsman wrote:Except no. Springer's engineering isn't as overdesigned as Optimus' (or Legacy Blitzwing's), nor is he as dense or as armed as Astrotrain, nor does he have any other sort of accessory that would drive him up to Leader. As for standing almost as tall as Optimus... that's more because WFC Optimus is shorter than he should be. I stuck with Combiner Wars Optimus instead of getting Siege or ER (not that I ever saw SIEGE on shelves lol) for that very reason.Till-all-R1 wrote:I mean Technically Springer should have been a Leader being that he's a triple changer and stands almost as tall as OP.
-Kanrabat- wrote:My friend, who is not a member of this forum (and never will be on any forums) usually HATES beast-formers and LOVES combiners.
But he despise Legacy Menasor with a passion (he much prefer the Scramble-City combiners) and he just adore Sky-Lynx for a reason he just can't get himself.
sol magnus wrote:I was with you until you got here...There's nothing wrong with Optimus Prime's all. He's a head taller than Starscream and Soundwave and roughly the same height as Megatron. The Autobot cars look correct next to him. Who are you judging him against? The only larger figure who is out of scale at that size is Blaster, who is too tall!
Till-all-R1 wrote:sol magnus wrote:I was with you until you got here...There's nothing wrong with Optimus Prime's all. He's a head taller than Starscream and Soundwave and roughly the same height as Megatron. The Autobot cars look correct next to him. Who are you judging him against? The only larger figure who is out of scale at that size is Blaster, who is too tall!
IDK, to me Blaster seems very close to the right height. At least every time I've seen him on screen he's been almost neck to neck with Optimus, which always seemed very odd to me since he's a small tape deck while OP is a Semi Truck. He might be a tad taller than he should be but it's not as noticeable as some others, then again I guess it all depends which episode they were in. lol
There is still that rumored SS86 Megatron toy.Rodimus Prime wrote:I would love a CC Powermaster Prime for next year. With a trailer that looks seamless in vehicle mode, but still combines with Prime. Kinda like the PoTP leader, but obviously the combined form looks different.
And what would a new Megatron be like? I mean, it's pretty obvious the mold we got in WFC is what they want to keep using. He's staying a tank, so any new figures would be a variation of that.
Shadowman wrote:This is Sabrblade we're talking about. His ability to store trivial information about TV shows is downright superhuman.
Caelus wrote:My wife pointed out something interesting about the prehistoric Predacons. I said that everyone was complaining because transforming for them mostly consisted of them just standing up-right. She essentially said, 'So? That's what our ancestors did.'
Rodimus Prime wrote:And what would a new Megatron be like? I mean, it's pretty obvious the mold we got in WFC is what they want to keep using. He's staying a tank, so any new figures would be a variation of that.
Rodimus Prime wrote:I would love a CC Powermaster Prime for next year. With a trailer that looks seamless in vehicle mode, but still combines with Prime. Kinda like the PoTP leader, but obviously the combined form looks different.
Rodimus Prime wrote:
And what would a new Megatron be like? I mean, it's pretty obvious the mold we got in WFC is what they want to keep using. He's staying a tank, so any new figures would be a variation of that.
Rodimus Prime wrote:Doesn't he look close to his G1 self already? With minor detail differences.
Rodimus Prime wrote:And what would a new Megatron be like? I mean, it's pretty obvious the mold we got in WFC is what they want to keep using. He's staying a tank, so any new figures would be a variation of that.
Yeah you're right. I'm so used to seeing the WFC mold everywhere that I didn't even remember that G1 Megatron doesn't have a backpack.-Kanrabat- wrote:I don't call having a freaking giant tank-threads backpack a "minor detail".Rodimus Prime wrote:Doesn't he look close to his G1 self already? With minor detail differences.
Yeah we'll be paying for the engineering most likely, and he'll be a tall voyager at most.I'm pretty sure that a leader will be able to TRULY hide everything and he'll be able to have his "back barrel" as well, something the Sg/Er mold don't have.
Rodimus Prime wrote:Yeah you're right. I'm so used to seeing the WFC mold everywhere that I didn't even remember that G1 Megatron doesn't have a backpack.-Kanrabat- wrote:I don't call having a freaking giant tank-threads backpack a "minor detail".Rodimus Prime wrote:Doesn't he look close to his G1 self already? With minor detail differences.![]()
Yeah we'll be paying for the engineering most likely, and he'll be a tall voyager at most.I'm pretty sure that a leader will be able to TRULY hide everything and he'll be able to have his "back barrel" as well, something the Sg/Er mold don't have.
-Kanrabat- wrote:Rodimus Prime wrote:-Kanrabat- wrote:Rodimus Prime wrote:Doesn't he
I'm used to "voyager sized" leaders. As long that the engineering justify the cost, that is. But if a "simple" Transformers like SS rotb Scourge is a "leader", this doesn't look good for that Megs.
Neither of these were sold as Leaders, unless maybe you're referring to Siege GUOP? But that Primal definitely has never been Leader-priced.Rogue-Primal wrote:-Kanrabat- wrote:Rodimus Prime wrote:-Kanrabat- wrote:Rodimus Prime wrote:Doesn't he
I'm used to "voyager sized" leaders. As long that the engineering justify the cost, that is. But if a "simple" Transformers like SS rotb Scourge is a "leader", this doesn't look good for that Megs.
Last time i checked i've had 5 voyager size leaders sets. Blue-Ice Megatron, Battle Blades Optimus Prime, Last Knight Special Edition Optimus, Siege Optimus (Battle scars and dirty) and Kingdom Optimus Primal.
Rogue-Primal wrote:-Kanrabat- wrote:Rodimus Prime wrote:-Kanrabat- wrote:Rodimus Prime wrote:Doesn't he
I'm used to "voyager sized" leaders. As long that the engineering justify the cost, that is. But if a "simple" Transformers like SS rotb Scourge is a "leader", this doesn't look good for that Megs.
Last time i checked i've had 5 voyager size leaders sets. Blue-Ice Megatron, Battle Blades Optimus Prime, Last Knight Special Edition Optimus, Siege Optimus (Battle scars and dirty) and Kingdom Optimus Primal.
Megatron and Battle Blade Optimus weren't so great.
Megatron has flimsy plastic ice for wings. His weapon didn't have good posing options and his fingers look like tangled spaghetti.Would have been mildly better if had the colorless ice version.
Battle Blades: Nice detailing and great robot mode. But is he is just really complex.
No easy way to hide his blades and his fists are limited to use his cannons. I never transform him even once.
Shadowman wrote:This is Sabrblade we're talking about. His ability to store trivial information about TV shows is downright superhuman.
Caelus wrote:My wife pointed out something interesting about the prehistoric Predacons. I said that everyone was complaining because transforming for them mostly consisted of them just standing up-right. She essentially said, 'So? That's what our ancestors did.'
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