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Shadowman wrote:This is Sabrblade we're talking about. His ability to store trivial information about TV shows is downright superhuman.
Caelus wrote:My wife pointed out something interesting about the prehistoric Predacons. I said that everyone was complaining because transforming for them mostly consisted of them just standing up-right. She essentially said, 'So? That's what our ancestors did.'
Sabrblade wrote:He's probably sought after by collectors of the Dinobot mold.
Emerje wrote:I would guess GPS, but I have no proof of that and it isn't mentioned on TFWiki.
Sabrblade wrote:He's probably sought after by collectors of the Dinobot mold.
AllNewSuperRobot wrote:I know, beyond the Grimlock redeco. That all the other Dinobot variants followed the toy design over the Mainframe model, on their respective shows. But I do think that Dinotron, Hardhead and Thrustor would look really cool designs on the MP Dinobot body.
D-Maximal_Primal wrote:I am honestly shocked that, given that Dinobot has at least 4 alternate uses for the mold, they haven't indicated they are going to make any of them yet. That's a bit of a shame
AllNewSuperRobot wrote:D-Maximal_Primal wrote:I am honestly shocked that, given that Dinobot has at least 4 alternate uses for the mold, they haven't indicated they are going to make any of them yet. That's a bit of a shame
The longer the silence on the BW MP front, I'm starting to feel the cold shoulder of Takara. Like our resident Unicron Trilogy fan.
As far as the Kingdom Dinobot mold. Why we have a modern line now even featuring Nightprowler - a Cheetor variant who was never made - meanwhile the Dinobot mold has halted at Grimlock. That's so bizarre?
D-Maximal_Primal wrote:The BW MPs were pretty uber expensive too, coupled with the fact that I think Primal, Cheetor, and now Lio are the only ones to get reused to date, with nothing from Dinobot, Megatron, or Tigatron.
ZeroWolf wrote:Wouldn't surprise me if Raiden was eating up a lot of the mp budget as other then Trailbreaker, there hasn't been a lot of mp news (scratch that, MP Skyfire)
This sounds a little familiar.D-Maximal_Primal wrote:AllNewSuperRobot wrote:D-Maximal_Primal wrote:I am honestly shocked that, given that Dinobot has at least 4 alternate uses for the mold, they haven't indicated they are going to make any of them yet. That's a bit of a shame
The longer the silence on the BW MP front, I'm starting to feel the cold shoulder of Takara. Like our resident Unicron Trilogy fan.
As far as the Kingdom Dinobot mold. Why we have a modern line now even featuring Nightprowler - a Cheetor variant who was never made - meanwhile the Dinobot mold has halted at Grimlock. That's so bizarre?
I have this theory that Takara was doing the MP Beast Wars molds since no one else was making new beasts, and that was their avenue. Once Kingdom came around and the beasts returned to the mainline, and even more noteworthy were very good, and also were easier to sell with repaints/remolds, the BW MPs ceased since there was now another avenue for beasts. The BW MPs were pretty uber expensive too, coupled with the fact that I think Primal, Cheetor, and now Lio are the only ones to get reused to date, with nothing from Dinobot, Megatron, or Tigatron.
Sabrblade wrote:I have a theory as to why Takara has eased off on the Beast Wars Masterpieces as of late.
Back in 2016, Hasbro opted to not celebrate the 20th anniversary of Beast Wars, instead favoring the 30th anniversary of TFTM. This led to others to celebrate the former in Hasbro's stead: Fun Pub's final BotCon boxed set was (mostly) Pre-Beast Wars-themed like their 2006 set was (which was the 10th anniversary of Beast Wars), Hasbro Asia gave us a Year of the Monkey Optimus Primal toy (which colored more like Optimus Prime instead), and Takara started making Masterpieces of Beast Wars characters.
Takara kept this going for a while up until the release of Tigatron in 2020. Then, 2021 came, and what was the main toyline for that year? Kingdom! Yes, Hasbro finally started giving Beast Wars its due attention for its 25th anniversary. We got new mass retail toys of every character that Takara had already made into MPs, plus several that hadn't been yet. And now in 2022, Legacy is continuing where Kingdom left off, finishing out the Season 1 cast with Tarantulas and Inferno, and even giving us Transmetal 2 Megatron as a bonus.
2021 also saw the start of the Vintage Beast Wars reissue line, which has likewise had many overlaps with the BW characters made into MPs. And even the RED line has dipped its toes into Beast Wars with Optimus Primal and Cheetor.
In short, I feel like Takara started making Beast Wars MPs not just to celebrate the 20th anniversary, but also because Hasbro wasn't going to. And now that Hasbro has been giving Beast Wars so much more attention at mass retail with Kingdom, Legacy, RED, and Vintage Beast Wars, Takara no longer feels the need to carry so much of the weight by themselves and are not as compelled to keep making the Beast Wars MPs as they were back when Hasbro was content to keep ignoring Beast Wars.
Meanwhile, the forthcoming release of Dark Amber Leo Prime seems to be the start of something else entirely, since that toy represents something completely new and different from what all came before, and is advertised by a new manga series called "End of G1 Universe".
Shadowman wrote:This is Sabrblade we're talking about. His ability to store trivial information about TV shows is downright superhuman.
Caelus wrote:My wife pointed out something interesting about the prehistoric Predacons. I said that everyone was complaining because transforming for them mostly consisted of them just standing up-right. She essentially said, 'So? That's what our ancestors did.'
AllNewSuperRobot wrote:I think the MP line also has an agency problem. There seems to be no impetus to finish any of these lines they've started. Think about how many retail lines have begun and finished since MP-1 to Raiden?
It's like there is no one in charge. So they spend most of the downtime between releases spinning their wheels. It shouldn't matter what other projects are happening. They said BW Masterpiece will cover the fourteen characters of Season One. So they should have a timetable in place to make that happen within a certain window.
Jelze Bunnycat wrote:Maybe once the WFC and Legacy Beasts are out of style, then maybe we'll see more BW MP's. Do note that they're mixed with the G1 ones, so there's no real time table to be made without jeopardizing other potential releases.
AllNewSuperRobot wrote:Jelze Bunnycat wrote:Maybe once the WFC and Legacy Beasts are out of style, then maybe we'll see more BW MP's. Do note that they're mixed with the G1 ones, so there's no real time table to be made without jeopardizing other potential releases.
That's just it. There is no rhyme or reason to their releases? For example, excluding Raiden, this is the 2022 releases:
MP-55 Nightbird Shadow
MP-53+ Senatorcrosscut
MP-56 Trailbreaker
What ties these together? Two redecos and one new moldTheir entire release schedule seems to boil down to names out of a hat.
Jelze Bunnycat wrote:Like it has always beenPre MP-10 was worse however.
I would say pre MP-10 was wonky in a different way tho: more limited (partly due to Alternators scaling well with MP-01/4 and MP-05) than random, though. All big G1 names, and a very short list thereof, including 3 redecoes and one rerelease with additional baggage.Jelze Bunnycat wrote:AllNewSuperRobot wrote:Jelze Bunnycat wrote:Maybe once the WFC and Legacy Beasts are out of style, then maybe we'll see more BW MP's. Do note that they're mixed with the G1 ones, so there's no real time table to be made without jeopardizing other potential releases.
That's just it. There is no rhyme or reason to their releases? For example, excluding Raiden, this is the 2022 releases:
MP-55 Nightbird Shadow
MP-53+ Senatorcrosscut
MP-56 Trailbreaker
What ties these together? Two redecos and one new moldTheir entire release schedule seems to boil down to names out of a hat.
Like it has always beenPre MP-10 was worse however.
late reply I know, but curious, how well does the bee stay attached? always popped out on my original.D-Maximal_Primal wrote:Scooped up the reissue Scorponok Friday, he is surprisingly a lot of fun. I was hoping he would be fun to handle, but he's better than i thought he'd be. Love him. Glad they reissued this one
Blastback wrote:late reply I know, but curious, how well does the bee stay attached? always popped out on my original.
But yeah, he was a fun toy. good blend of gimmicks and articulation. And damn it he looks cool. Had one of the better mutant heads to.
D-Maximal_Primal wrote:Nice. That's a mold i still need to get in some capacity, it looks good
Whifflefire wrote: He'll pair nicely with Rampage
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