Transformers and More @ The Seibertron Store

JTPrime17 wrote:Hasbro makes it clear to retailers overseas that these are subject to change, so if something in this list doesn’t make it to the final product, it is what it is.
Tra Gen SS Bullseye LDR
Product Number: G1091
Tra Gen SS Bullseye 2 Pck Gamer edition Devastation Voyager Elite Seeker (Grey) & Deluxe Ground Solider (blue)
Product Number: G1372
Tra Gen SS Bullseye Voy 86 Perceptor,
86 Ramhorn & 86 Ratbat (the set is being sold at/close to the voyager Price point hence the naming)
Product Number: G1371
Tra Gen Prime Bullseye Voy
Product Number: G1373
Tra Gen Prime Bullseye Multipack
Product Number: G1374
This year’s Walmart Capsule will be Galaxy force/Cybertron Themed wave to celebrate the anniversary. There should be a couple more deluxes, but I can’t confirm their product codes yet.
Tra Gen Prime Capsule Dlx Cybertron Sideways
Product Number: G1489
Tra Gen Prime Capsule Dlx Cybertron Excellion
Product Number: G1490
Tra Gen Prime Capsule Voy Cybertron Skywarp
Product Number: G1369
Tra Gen Prime Capsule LDR (unknown)
Product Number: G1370
Walmart Will also be getting a “Retro Inspired” Capsule. Not sure what the theme will be yet.
Tra Gen Retro Inspired 1
Product Number: G1093
Tra Gen Retro Inspired 2
Product Number: G1094
Tra Gen Retro Inspired 3
Product Number: G1382
Tra Gen Retro Inspired 4
Product Number: G1384
Amazon’s capsule will be Mayhem VS Wreckers. There should be a few more packs coming along with these 2, will share more when I find it.
Tra Gen Smile Deluxe Spinister VS Twintwist (might be switched with Topspin)
Product Number: G1377
Tra Gen Smile Deluxe Ironfist (Hound Partial) VS Carnivac (Weirdwolf Partial)
Product Number: G1376
These are next year’s Sdcc and Pulsecon exclusives which are separate from this year’s DinoKing and Sdcc 2 pck.
Tra Gen SDCC DTC Skybound comics Jetfire, Darak, Solila
Product Number: G1099
Tra Gen Pcon DTC Hearts of Steel Set (Bumblebee and Optimus?)
Product Number: G1095
Tra Collab Blue (Sonic Collab 2pck)
Product Number: G0713
Tra Collab Black
Product Number: G0751
Tra Collab Sword
Product Number: G0714
Tra Collab HW 1
Product Number: G1180
Tra Collab HW 2
Product Number: G1181
Tra Collab HW 3
Product Number: G1182
Tra Collab HW 4
Product Number: G1183
Tra Collab FTW
Product Number: G1239
Takara: (Hasbro Imports, no Numbers assigned yet)
Tra Gen legacy EX Voy Armada Super Starscream
Tra Gen Studio Series EX Voy TF7 Nemesis Prime
Shadowman wrote:This is Sabrblade we're talking about. His ability to store trivial information about TV shows is downright superhuman.
Caelus wrote:My wife pointed out something interesting about the prehistoric Predacons. I said that everyone was complaining because transforming for them mostly consisted of them just standing up-right. She essentially said, 'So? That's what our ancestors did.'
Razorbeast88 wrote:I hope the Armada super starscream is the blue one with the red face so I can get it and call it nacelle
Sonic?? So a hedgehog robot that turns into a... ring? Or a bot that turns into a hedgehog? Idk about that one chief
Emerje wrote:Just occurred to me, what mold would Cybertron Skywarp use? At first I thought it would be a Starscream repaint, but I remember Hasbro gave us a two Skywarps at the time, one from Starscream and one from Deluxe Thundercracker. So realistically it could also be a repaint of the Earthrise Seeker mold in vibrant purple and white, which I honestly would prefer and he could double for Hotlink's Earth mode. (Though if I'm being honest I'd prefer Armada Skywarp over either Cybertron option.)Razorbeast88 wrote:I hope the Armada super starscream is the blue one with the red face so I can get it and call it nacelle
That's the one. Interesting that he's once again and Takara Tomy exclusive just like the previous Generations/Legends version. Strange That it's going to take this long for the mold to get a second use, it will have been four years by the time it's released.Sonic?? So a hedgehog robot that turns into a... ring? Or a bot that turns into a hedgehog? Idk about that one chief
It says it's a 2 pack so I'm thinking something similar to the Jurassic Park figures with some sort of Sonic figure as an Autobot and the Decepticon will be a larger transforming version of one of Robotnik's bots.
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