Transformers Movie: "Ghosts of Yesterday" Review
Wednesday, March 28th, 2007 8:50AM CDT
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Our own Ghost One has posted a synopsis of the Transformers book, Ghosts of Yesterday, by Alan Dean Foster. The Ghosts of Yesterday is a prequel to the up coming Transformers Movie.
*WARNING - Contains many spoilers
Transformers: Ghosts of Yesterday
By Alan Dean Foster
As the world watched Apollo 11 launch for the moon (1969 for you young’uns), they missed out on Sector Seven’s (SS) launch of their prototype starship, Ghost One. Ghost One was developed using tech reverse engineered from the “Ice Man” (IM). Its mission is to investigate the possibility of IM’s friends staging an invasion fleet forming behind Jupiter. Slingshot around the sun, flyby to Jupiter and slingshot home, easy.
SS’s Artic Base has received orders to transport IM down to a new facility south of Las Vegas. SSAB’s C.O. (Kinnear) argued against the move to the “Old Man” and insisted on bringing “The Cube” to his facility. Kinnear is told it’s easier to move IM then to move the Cube (?).
Ghost One begins it slingshot around the Sun when the engines outperform the system specifications. Their acceleration opened a wormhole (think Back to the Future) and disappeared from SSAB’s sensors.
The Nemesis Transport (not Warship) drifts through deep space, commanded by Starscream, acting leader of the Decepticons. Crew: Barricade, Blackout, Frenzy, and Bonecrusher. Their standing orders: Locate Megatron, Aquire the Allspark. If the Decepticons locate Megatron, Starscream loses his command and that’s not going happen as long as he has anything to do about it (Starscream is more G1 than G1 Starscream!). As he is about to secure his leadership by ordering the plunder of a local system, the first new acquisition since Megs disappearance, Barricade receives a weak Decepticon signal on the deep field array. Barricade and Blackout argue that it might be Megs. Starscream hopes not as he succumbs to checking the signal.
The Ark, Autobot Transport and long time mobile home, exits a wormhole near a star cluster that is showing signs of containing the Allspark (beacon pulse once every thousand years). Optimus wonders if Megs will make an appearance when they find the Allspark. Ratchet is ordered to keep the Ark outside the system while Prime, Bumblebee, Jazz and Ironhide meet in the Docking Bay. They exit and transform into their Cometary mode and head off for their individual worlds to search. Ratchet stops them cold as he picks up a weird Signal from not to far off.
The Decepticons reach the signal and find Ghost One. Scans showed no Megs, but confused by its design, an investigation is ordered. And cut short as the Ark dropped out of a wormhole near Ghost One. Starscream orders a surprise attack before the Autobots even notice they are there.
The Ark’s sensors also confirm no Megs, but Prime believes it to be a Decepticon trap. A debate as to whether the Decepticons would use such a primitive vessel were heard when it was noticed that Ghost One had deployed a mounted weapon.
Back on Earth, Kinnear is trying to find out where Ghost One disappeared to when he received a call that there might be a Russian spy in SS. The IM transport team is just about ready to leave when an artic blizzard kicks up.
The Nemesis is in hiding behind the planet’s moon. The Decepticons are arguing, again (not in a bad way, but defining how they don’t trust Starscream). Starscream says he’s going to put a stop to this by destroying Ghost One and then the Ark.
The Autobots determine that Ghost One’s weapons will be less than ineffective against them in combat. They also note how instead of attacking like Decepticons, they are slowly shifting planet side. Prime dispatches Bumblebee to make contact with the animals inside. After Bumblebee leaves, the Ark picks up Starscream also heading towards Ghost One.
Ghost One finds a nice little place to hide planet side and the crew discusses there options. IM’s friends are around but not sure what they want. They don’t know where Earth is or where they are or even if they can get home if they knew where they were. No communication from SSAB. The most alone a Human can be.
Bumblebee makes his way to Ghost One when Jazz radios saying that they have detected the Nemesis and Starscream, who was heading his way.
On the Nemesis, Blackout (Megs Supporter) revives the anti-Starscream commentary. Barricade (leader loyalist, not necessarily Starscream) opposes Blackout’s plan to assault the Ark while Starscream is gone, but Bonecrusher and Scorponok are ready for action.
Ghost One tries to send a message home stating, simply, were lost, can you help and, oh yeah, we ran into some of IM’s friends. Ships sensors pick up something big moving in on them.
Kinnear received a call from “Old Man”. Wanting updates on the operations, Kinnear tells him the good news, IM is almost ready to go. The bad news, we lost Ghost One. “Old Man” wasn’t too surprised but had news of his own, new course for IM’s road trip and Kinnear is going with because he understands that if IM wakes, it’ll be worse then if the Russians captured it.
Planet side, Bumblebee tries to approach Ghost One in as unthreatening a way as possible for a giant alien robot. Then Starscream ambushes him. Bumblebee’s only option is to run. He transforms into a wheeled vehicle (predefined secondary alt? no cars on this world) and races off bobbing and weaving through spires of rock while Starscream shoots for the kill.
SSAB: Kinnear meets with Jenson (IM road trip manager) and they discuss how to keep IM frozen, deal with the storm and navigate a new course. As they ready to leave, Nolan (Ghost One manager, him and Kinnear served in Black Ops together) stops Kinnear and reports word from Ghost One. They discuss how to handle the message.
Starscream returns to Ghost One after chasing off Bumblebee. He studies the vessel and after downloading everything, makes contact via a form of Instant Messenger. “Greetings, it is fortunate that I arrived when I did. The other creature you encountered would have surely destroyed you and your ship.” (Told you he was slick.)
On the Ark, the Autobots ready themselves for the coming Decepticons. Prime, Ironhide and Jazz leave the ship to do battle with Blackout, Bonecrusher and Frenzy. Hell breaks loose (read it, this combat is incredibly well written). The Decepticons call a retreat. When the Autobots board the Ark, they receive word from Bumblebee about his encounter with Starscream.
Bumblebee takes cover by some peculiar outcroppings only to find himself dragged down a sinkhole into a natural underground labyrinth. As he finds the direction out, he also finds that the planet is not entirely devoid of life.
At SSAB, Nolan gets the tech to send a message back to Ghost One: “Glad to hear you’re alive, try to keep it that way, we’re working on a way to get you home”. To all their surprise, they got a real time response. Ghost One and SSAB traded updates and bad news. Bottom line that Ghost One received was that they are on there own. That did not boost morale.
Starscream talks to the “Humans” and convinces them that he is good, Autobots are evil and Prime is the vilest killer in the universe. Also, if Ghost One would be so kind as to help him with destroying the Autobots, he will help them get back home. (Your boss told you you’re lost and as good as dead, how bad do you want to get home?)
Ratchet points out that they haven’t heard from Bumblebee since just before he fell down the hole. Prime decides to go find him while the others stay and defend the Ark if the Decepticons return. If things start to turn for the worse, take the Ark, ditch the Nemesis somewhere and come back for him and Bumblebee. Prime heads planet side.
Kinnear and Jenson talk business as they plow through the snowstorm taking IM to his new home. The roads are treacherous, iced and visibility is like 10 feet. So when the lead truck spins out, the entire convoy piles up and the mission is officially halted. Also Kinnear gets his femur pulverized in the wreck.
Bumblebee hides against a wall as these Giant (Bumblebee’s size and bigger) Leech /Snake /Worms (Buggers) come barreling into the chamber and more hell breaks loose.
Prime pretty much follows Bumblebee’s footsteps to the letter, including the sinkhole and reaching the chamber where he finds battle in progress. Prime and Bumblebee retreat to preserve their sparks from the impressively tough Buggers. System checks indicate that it won’t be easy to get out, not to mention that they can hear the Buggers regrouping. It sounds like there are more now.
The crew of Ghost One is at ends with each other over how to handle the fact that if they go home without the destruction of the evil Autobots, they would just be leaving a trail for them to make there way to earth. After much conversation, they decide to help Starscream hoping that when it’s safe, he will take them home.
Starscream receives word from the Nemesis that Prime is planet side. Starscream orders the Decepticons to take out the Ark while Prime is gone. He turns his attention to Ghost One and explains the situation to the crew. They offer to help and Starscream accepts and leads them to the sinkhole.
Kinnear is woken up by Jenson who gives him the bad news, IM’s storage unit is damaged and loosing its cool. They set up a base camp and are trying to get the vehicles operational again.
Barricade brings the Nemesis to bear and the other Decepticons launch for their assault on the Ark. The Autobots are preparing, Ratchet stays behind to run the Ark (he has a little Wheeljack in him) while Ironhide and Jazz launch to face off with the Decepticons.
(Note: It is clarified that both the Ark and the Nemesis are purposely designed as weak attack vessels because the Cybertronians are far more powerful and efficient fighting bot to bot. In Fact, as best I can tell, the only reason they need the ships is for repairs and traveling through wormholes.)
Kinnear awakes yet again to find himself in a med tent and finds out that the lead driver is missing, as the search order is given, the driver is drug in half frozen. He’s Russian and he has alerted his comrades it is time to collect their prize. Instead of killing him, Kinnear strips him to his skivvies and has him placed in another tent. Fears of IM waking are beginning to manifest as reports of heat signatures and twitchy fingers come in. Kinnear’s clearly dying at this point.
Prime and Bumblebee find a way out but Starscream is waiting. They BS for a minute when Prime had enough he grabbed Bumblebee, hit his thrusters and raced through the opening towards Starscream. Starscream and Ghost One opened fire on Prime who pulled a 180 and went back underground. Starscream collapsed the opening on top of them.
Nolan at SSAB receives a call from “Old Man” who informs him that there has been an incident with the convoy. He was told to take the Rangers training there with and go fix the problem. Nolan was reluctant but set it up. He left a desk jockey in charge to find a way to get Ghost One back.
Ghost One is following Starscream after having taken out Prime and Bumblebee. They fake a malfunction to buy some time to talk about what just happened. Starscream buys the malfunction story (both Autobots and Decepticons couldn’t help but talk bad about how terribly primitive this vessel was) and anxiously waits. The crew discusses how weird it was that this most terrible of beings chose to speak with Starscream instead of fighting. Not to mention that he didn’t fire on any of them. They lie to Starscream and say they are going to be out of commission for a while. Starscream tells them that he will be back after he helps destroy the Ark. After he leaves, Ghost One tries to run when the Ship gets stuck in a sinkhole and before long they find themselves buried in a tin tomb on the ass end of the galaxy. Also, they’re not alone down there.
Prime and Bumblebee ducked from chamber to chamber trying to avoid another confrontation with the Buggers. In the next chamber, the more injured Prime pulls the less injured Bumblebee behind him and articulates his weapon in a stand off with Ghost One. This act eventually convinces the crew that Starscream twisted the truth and they lowered their weapon. Prime followed suit and Bumblebee initiated contact. They make friends and tell Prime that IM/Megs is on Earth. Prime must warn Earth of the danger it is in.
At SSAB, Nolan and his artic rangers prepared to leave to find Kinnear’s convoy. Nolan defends his current shape to the lead ranger and talk about “Old Man”.
In Orbit, Jazz’s plan wasn’t working out as well as he and Ironhide hoped (This battle sequence was very cool). Jazz is messed up real good and then Starscream shows up to knock the scales of the table. Not looking pleasant.
Prime finds a weak spot that can be blown open to allow for them to escape. Then the Buggers attack and screw up the plans. Prime gets a complex idea that can not only open a door and not kill the Humans, but take out the Buggers as well. With Bumblebee and Ghost One clear, Prime’s escape is delayed when he is caught by a hidden Bugger.
Kinnear wakes up and demands a stimulant, can’t lead if he’s asleep. As Kinnear ‘wakes up’, the Russians attack. Kinnear orders a perimeter and IM cannot be taken. They also begin to start firing the flares. Nolan and the Rangers see a flare in the distance.
Jazz and Ironhide have been successful at staying alive with Ratchet at the turrets, but Starscream, Bonecrusher, Blackout and Frenzy have a very large advantage. As the Autobots near the Ark, the Decepticons slow pursuit to avoid the turrets. That’s when Jazz and Ironhide made a mad dash for the Ark. Once behind the shields, they argue whether to follow orders and split or to stay and wait for Prime.
Starscream insists on finishing the Autobots before they escape, but the others won’t hear it. They want to know what is the deal with Ghost One (Starscream hasn’t told them a thing, in fact he’s been avoiding the subject). Starscream swears that if the Ark gets away he’ll take them all out. Blackout tells him that Scorponok is onboard already, destroying their engines. Blackout now demands to know about how Prime and Bumblebee died. Starscream says their dead because he says so. It’s on! Blackout opens fire on Starscream and a brawl ensues (I just realized Brawl wasn’t in the book, hmm). The other Decepticons just watch the fun.
At SSAB, that desk jockey calls up Ghost One to tell them that they are ordered to stay there if there is any chance for IM’s friends to find a way to Earth. The crew talks seriously about what has happened and decide that if they are going to die out here, they are going to do it as heroes. Prime reluctantly accepted their assistance after they explained their new situation.
As they made Orbit, they found the Decepticons infighting. Prime called everyone out of the Ark for the final showdown before they lose their advantage.
Jenson sees Kinnear and informs him that the perimeter is falling and the IM re-freezing has pretty much stopped. Then gunfire rang out, it was the rangers. Relieved, Kinnear gives Jenson his seal of approval as he heads out to defend the IM. Kinnear is next visited by the Russian Driver with a nasty knife. Kinnear, not being able to walk, is having a bad day. Nolan and his rangers arrive at the outskirts of the battleground. The rangers deploy on foot and Nolan drives the Sno-Cat.
Starscream and Blackout go at it pretty rough until Starscream all but kills Blackout. Having asserted himself as unquestionable, he sends Bonecrusher to take the remains to the Nemesis with Barricade while he and the others go to finish off the Ark. Before they could move, Barricade warns them of the approaching Prime, Bumblebee and Ghost One. Thought they were all dead, Starscream?
Kinnear was dying and crippled, the Russian was frost bitten and sick. A cripple fight is the best analogy here. The Russian pierced one of Kinnear’s lungs before he was slit ear to ear. As Kinnear laid there ready to die, he heard tearing metal and loud thumping from where the convoy’s direction. Nolan comes rolling up in time to see IM swaying on his feet, so he ‘ghost rides’ the Sno-Cat into IM, knocking him into an exploding truck which bounces him a little bit. Nolan looks to see that Kinnear has dragged his ass out into the battle to help with the IM. He was all that mattered now.
Aboard Ghost One, desk jockey tells the crew that their wormhole is still open, barely. They should come home regardless of the order to stay away. Conflicts flare between just going home and making sure home is safe. The Capt. puts an end to it all by ordering that they all stay and do what is right. They call SSAB and declare their intentions and sign off. Attack positions people.
How does the final battle end?
What happens to Ghost One?
How do they get the “Ice Man” back under control?
Do you get to hear the ‘squishy’ sound?
What goes down between the Decepticons and Starscream?
Did Scorponok complete his mission?
Do Kinnear and Nolan have a Brokeback Mountain moment on the artic tundra?
The last answer is NO.
I'll answer any questions EXCEPT those listed above.
For the rest, GET THIS BOOK!
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Posted by OmegaDestroyer on March 28th, 2007 @ 8:58am CDT
Posted by Leonardo on March 28th, 2007 @ 9:15am CDT
Posted by Ultra Magnus on March 28th, 2007 @ 9:19am CDT
Posted by MAC Prime on March 28th, 2007 @ 9:45am CDT
Who's putting this prequel out?
Posted by Leonardo on March 28th, 2007 @ 10:14am CDT
Unless, of course, I've missed something in my haste.
Posted by LiegeCentrino on March 28th, 2007 @ 12:03pm CDT
Posted by nuava on March 28th, 2007 @ 12:13pm CDT
Posted by Retardicon on March 28th, 2007 @ 12:41pm CDT
OmegaDestroyer wrote:SO many plot holes
Not as many as you think, the book is pretty thorough, I kinda left it vague. Being a prequel novel, they have to leave some questions for the movie.
Leonardo wrote:I'll be interested to see if any of this makes it into the official movie prequel comic.
It's not looking that way. Think of the novel as a history of SS and the comics are more of a history of the TF's. There was a LOT of talk about cybertron, how these humans have yet to be taken over by their technology...
In Fact, the only reason the humans were considered a threat was because they are a non-mechanoid interstellar species. I took this as meaning that the only interstellar beings are machines that evolved from the tech of fleshies.
The long gap between 69 and 07... I can't get into it without answering one of my questions, but they hurried to earth. Trust me.
MAC Prime wrote:Who's putting this prequel out?
Hasbro licensed the book (outline) to Del Rey, and Del Rey said we'll put AD Foster on it. Ta-daa!
nuava wrote:The characters seem incredibly generic and I really can't get attached to them so far. Hopefully though the book will get better once a few robots in disguise start showing up...
If you read as much as I do, you start to see stereotypes in specific roles. This causes me to detach a little bit, but what can I say... Writing 300 pages from a 6 pg outline? thats rough.
Also, this is the reason why I never named the crew of Ghost One. They acted as different aspects of the same thing, so I just set it up as Ghost One was the character and the crew was just its inner monologue.
Posted by Leonardo on March 28th, 2007 @ 2:51pm CDT
Ghost One wrote:It's not looking that way. Think of the novel as a history of SS and the comics are more of a history of the TF's. There was a LOT of talk about cybertron, how these humans have yet to be taken over by their technology...
In Fact, the only reason the humans were considered a threat was because they are a non-mechanoid interstellar species. I took this as meaning that the only interstellar beings are machines that evolved from the tech of fleshies.
The long gap between 69 and 07... I can't get into it without answering one of my questions, but they hurried to earth. Trust me.
That's quite interesting, as I find the historical incidents involving Sector Seven to be the most interesting part of the comic thus far.
As for the long gap, feel free to PM me the answer if you don't wish to spoil it.

Posted by AbsumZer0 on March 28th, 2007 @ 6:51pm CDT
Posted by Black Bumblebee on March 28th, 2007 @ 8:06pm CDT
If you want the short, spoiler free review: it was shallow and adds nothing to any understanding of the movie plot. Or, for those who are familiar with Foster... it was a typical Alan Dean Foster book, but more on the shallow side lol.
Posted by Retardicon on March 28th, 2007 @ 8:26pm CDT
Black Bumblebee wrote:If you want the short, spoiler free review: it was shallow and adds nothing to any understanding of the movie plot.
I don't think it was supposed to reveal any secrets of the movie. But I do agree with Foster being shallow.
AbsumZerO wrote:So, if Bumblebee arrives on the Ark along with the other Autobots rather than going solo, I'm assuming this isn't in continuity with the prequel comic?
The book never said anything about Bumblebee traveling to Earth on the Ark, let alone with everyone else.
Posted by AbsumZer0 on March 28th, 2007 @ 9:34pm CDT
Ghost One wrote:AbsumZerO wrote:So, if Bumblebee arrives on the Ark along with the other Autobots rather than going solo, I'm assuming this isn't in continuity with the prequel comic?
The book never said anything about Bumblebee traveling to Earth on the Ark, let alone with everyone else.
But your review says he was on the Ark:
Ghost One wrote:Ratchet is ordered to keep the Ark outside the system while Prime, Bumblebee, Jazz and Ironhide meet in the Docking Bay.
whereas in the prequel comic he follows after Megatron and arrives in the solar system and heads to Mars/Earth solo, doesn't he?
Posted by Black Bumblebee on March 28th, 2007 @ 10:22pm CDT
Posted by AbsumZer0 on March 28th, 2007 @ 11:39pm CDT
Black Bumblebee wrote:To answer the previous question--you have to remember, these events occur in 1969 and in DEEP SPACE. Yes, the Autobots are on the Ark, but far far away from Earth. At the end of the book, the Autobots don't even have any idea that the Allspark is on Earth or even WHERE Earth is., Bumblebee followed Megatron all the way to our solar system with his protoform/spaceVW mode and then went back to deep space and met-up with the Autobots on the Ark during the 60's?
Posted by darthsutius on March 29th, 2007 @ 1:42am CDT

Posted by Neko on March 29th, 2007 @ 6:26am CDT
AbsumZer0 wrote:Black Bumblebee wrote:To answer the previous question--you have to remember, these events occur in 1969 and in DEEP SPACE. Yes, the Autobots are on the Ark, but far far away from Earth. At the end of the book, the Autobots don't even have any idea that the Allspark is on Earth or even WHERE Earth is., Bumblebee followed Megatron all the way to our solar system with his protoform/spaceVW mode and then went back to deep space and met-up with the Autobots on the Ark during the 60's?
...not quite.
*Sposible spoilers
The prequal comic occurs before Ghosts of Yesterday. In the book Bumblebee can't talk, but has a little comminucator like device that helps him talk, but it's smashed and destroyed in the book.
Megatron has been frozen on earth for a long time (100 years I think it said). In the 60's Sector Seven launches the rocket Ghost I into space to test out the technology that they reverse engineered from studying Megatron (the Ice man) and when they engage in warp drive (forgot what they called it) and they go a lot farther then planned and end up landing right in the same vicinity as the Ark and Nemisis are just happening to cross each other's paths. So it's kinda like wrong time wrong place senario.
Posted by Neko on March 29th, 2007 @ 6:27am CDT
darthsutius wrote:Where is BRAWL???![]()
Brawl was a codename for Barricade (if I'm recalling correctly) and he is in the book.
Posted by Leonardo on March 29th, 2007 @ 6:49am CDT
Neko wrote:darthsutius wrote:Where is BRAWL???![]()
Brawl was a codename for Barricade (if I'm recalling correctly) and he is in the book.
No, Brawl's the tank. Barricade is the police car.
Posted by AbsumZer0 on March 29th, 2007 @ 2:07pm CDT
Neko wrote:...not quite.
*Sposible spoilers
The prequal comic occurs before Ghosts of Yesterday. In the book Bumblebee can't talk, but has a little comminucator like device that helps him talk, but it's smashed and destroyed in the book.
Megatron has been frozen on earth for a long time (100 years I think it said). In the 60's Sector Seven launches the rocket Ghost I into space to test out the technology that they reverse engineered from studying Megatron (the Ice man) and when they engage in warp drive (forgot what they called it) and they go a lot farther then planned and end up landing right in the same vicinity as the Ark and Nemisis are just happening to cross each other's paths. So it's kinda like wrong time wrong place senario.
Alright, I know the comic take place before the book. I know the Ark is located in deep space. What I don't get is this:
At the end of the first issue of the prequel comic Bumblebee goes all Captain Ahab and leaves to pursue Megatron on his own, by himself, not on the Ark.
In the 2nd issue of the prequel comic Bumblebee lands on Mars during the early 2000's and there's no mention of him ever being on the Ark.
In the book Bumblebee is aboard the Ark with the other Autobots in deep space during the 1960's.
If the two share the same continuity then Bumblebee at some time must have rendezvoused with and boarded the Ark, right? Because in the comic he was pursuing Megatron by himself in his comet/flyingVW mode.
Posted by Archibald Witwicky on March 29th, 2007 @ 2:36pm CDT
AbsumZer0 wrote:Alright, I know the comic take place before the book. I know the Ark is located in deep space. What I don't get is this:
At the end of the first issue of the prequel comic Bumblebee goes all Captain Ahab and leaves to pursue Megatron on his own, by himself, not on the Ark.
In the 2nd issue of the prequel comic Bumblebee lands on Mars during the early 2000's and there's no mention of him ever being on the Ark.
In the book Bumblebee is aboard the Ark with the other Autobots in deep space during the 1960's.
If the two share the same continuity then Bumblebee at some time must have rendezvoused with and boarded the Ark, right? Because in the comic he was pursuing Megatron by himself in his comet/flyingVW mode.
While the comic and book were likely not implicitely planned to work together, there's nothing in the two(judging purely by the synopsis given on this board, I've not read the book) that makes them inherantly different continuities.
In the comic the only thing we're implicitely shown/told is Bumblebee is one of the first to volunteer to hunt the Allspark. And then we're shown a picture of him in space in his comet mode. No take off, nothing.
While it isn't so much as hinted at, there is nothing that implicitly makes it impossible for the entirity of the book to fit inbetween the panels where Bumblebee says he volunteered to leave Cybertron and where he's seen in space headed towards Mars.
All Bumblebee tells us is that he is 'One of the first to leave.' One of, implying a group. That group could easily be the crew of the Ark.
Shoddy story telling? Possibly, if you look only at the big picture. But I'd say it's to be expected from two entirely different creative teams working in two entirely different mediums, likely completely independant of eachother. The fact that the two CAN work together is rather surprising, IMO, given the circumstances.
Posted by Retardicon on March 29th, 2007 @ 4:47pm CDT
Archibald Witwicky wrote:AbsumZer0 wrote:Alright, I know the comic take place before the book. I know the Ark is located in deep space. What I don't get is this:
At the end of the first issue of the prequel comic Bumblebee goes all Captain Ahab and leaves to pursue Megatron on his own, by himself, not on the Ark.
In the 2nd issue of the prequel comic Bumblebee lands on Mars during the early 2000's and there's no mention of him ever being on the Ark.
In the book Bumblebee is aboard the Ark with the other Autobots in deep space during the 1960's.
If the two share the same continuity then Bumblebee at some time must have rendezvoused with and boarded the Ark, right? Because in the comic he was pursuing Megatron by himself in his comet/flyingVW mode.
While the comic and book were likely not implicitely planned to work together, there's nothing in the two(judging purely by the synopsis given on this board, I've not read the book) that makes them inherantly different continuities.
In the comic the only thing we're implicitely shown/told is Bumblebee is one of the first to volunteer to hunt the Allspark. And then we're shown a picture of him in space in his comet mode. No take off, nothing.
While it isn't so much as hinted at, there is nothing that implicitly makes it impossible for the entirity of the book to fit inbetween the panels where Bumblebee says he volunteered to leave Cybertron and where he's seen in space headed towards Mars.
All Bumblebee tells us is that he is 'One of the first to leave.' One of, implying a group. That group could easily be the crew of the Ark.
Shoddy story telling? Possibly, if you look only at the big picture. But I'd say it's to be expected from two entirely different creative teams working in two entirely different mediums, likely completely independant of eachother. The fact that the two CAN work together is rather surprising, IMO, given the circumstances.
I haven't seen issue 2 yet, so I'm still in the dark on what happens in there.
But it's not convulsing to say that Prime stopped Bumblebee from taking off on his own and instead made him an Ark crew member...
Damn, I'm nerding out again. Where's my pill?
Posted by Mr.RobotoAutoMan on March 29th, 2007 @ 8:01pm CDT
where does ghosts of yesterday pick up? at the end of the comic book series? or somewhere in the middle of it?
Posted by Neko on March 29th, 2007 @ 8:20pm CDT
Mr.RobotAutoMan wrote:didnt read any post i dont want to spoil it but i got a question.
where does ghosts of yesterday pick up? at the end of the comic book series? or somewhere in the middle of it?
It's after the comic.
Posted by Archibald Witwicky on March 29th, 2007 @ 9:53pm CDT
Neko wrote:Mr.RobotAutoMan wrote:didnt read any post i dont want to spoil it but i got a question.
where does ghosts of yesterday pick up? at the end of the comic book series? or somewhere in the middle of it?
It's after the comic.
That's not strictly correct.
It's in the middle of the comic. All of the first issue and half of the second is pre-book. Half of the second, and presumably the third and fourth are post book.
Posted by Leonardo on March 30th, 2007 @ 2:17am CDT
Archibald Witwicky wrote:Neko wrote:Mr.RobotAutoMan wrote:didnt read any post i dont want to spoil it but i got a question.
where does ghosts of yesterday pick up? at the end of the comic book series? or somewhere in the middle of it?
It's after the comic.
That's not strictly correct.
It's in the middle of the comic. All of the first issue and half of the second is pre-book. Half of the second, and presumably the third and fourth are post book.
My calculations have yielded the same result. As far as I can tell, this book fills in the gap between Bumblebee departing Cybertron and Bumblebee landing on Mars. Plus, it gives us Decepticon information, as well.
Posted by Sunstar on March 30th, 2007 @ 2:43am CDT

Posted by Hotrod on March 30th, 2007 @ 10:18pm CDT
Posted by Wheeljack35 on March 31st, 2007 @ 8:38am CDT
Posted by Neko on March 31st, 2007 @ 9:36am CDT
Posted by Sunstar on April 1st, 2007 @ 5:16am CDT
Neko wrote:The Transformers characterization is wonderful in this book.
Isn't it? I was apprehensive getting into it at first but when we met Starscream, I practically cheered and squeed. My interest is reperking.
Posted by Leonardo on April 1st, 2007 @ 6:22am CDT
Do the characterizations cross over well? Do they feel like the same chaps in the book as in the script?
Posted by Neko on April 1st, 2007 @ 9:04am CDT
Leonardo wrote:A question to anyone who's read this and the leaked script:
Do the characterizations cross over well? Do they feel like the same chaps in the book as in the script?
Hard to say. With the book you get in depth insight, thoughts, and speach. In the script you get dialoge and some side notes. Not very easy to compare the two.
Posted by Talon on April 1st, 2007 @ 12:04pm CDT
There were a few plot holes in the book. I think the biggest one would be the ending.
If starscream downloaded their ENTIRE databank (every bit and byte) and was pissed all to hell at them, you think he would take a little less then 38 years to get to earth. It said specifically that they had star charts in their database, so it wouldn't be too hard to figure out where Earth actually was. So therefore you'd think the decepticons would have been on earth like the day later. (Considering the "primitive" humans travelled to where the transformers were in a matter of minutes)
Personally I found the comic gave a much better background and explained more in the first 2 comics then dean whatever his name is did within 300.
Also did you guys read the interview with him that's posted here? ... view_id=32
I mean it sounded like he didn't even care about the series itself anyway. Kinda like here's some money go write a 300 page book basing it on these 6 pages we're going to give you.
Posted by Autobot Sarge on April 5th, 2007 @ 12:02am CDT
I don't find it so hard to believe that it took the Decepticons a while to get to earth. Starscream, Blackout, and Frenzy were left in a states needing considerable repairs-which the novel referenced several times that getting parts for repairs was troublesome. There is also the fact that Starscream is slightly different that his traditional self in that he exercises patience when he has to, which rounds him out very well since the story has all his other traditional traits. Between repairs, diffusing the other Decepticons inquiries about the possibilities of Megatron, planning the way for him to get the Allspark without the others while conceiling Megatrons location, and gaining back the confidence of the other Decepticons he has a lot to do. The book was very clear in explaining several times that our years were absolutely nothing but instants to the Transformers given thier lifespan, I can see 39 years as feasible-and to a transformer immediate. Also aren't the Decepticons there before Bumblebee anyways? Do we have a time they landed?
Posted by Leonardo on April 5th, 2007 @ 3:01am CDT
Autobot Sarge wrote:I enjoyed the book. Yes the human characters were generic and predictable but the Transformer personalities were spot on. Is it the greatest book, but how often do we get a real book based on Transformers-enjoy it.
I don't find it so hard to believe that it took the Decepticons a while to get to earth. Starscream, Blackout, and Frenzy were left in a states needing considerable repairs-which the novel referenced several times that getting parts for repairs was troublesome. There is also the fact that Starscream is slightly different that his traditional self in that he exercises patience when he has to, which rounds him out very well since the story has all his other traditional traits. Between repairs, diffusing the other Decepticons inquiries about the possibilities of Megatron, planning the way for him to get the Allspark without the others while conceiling Megatrons location, and gaining back the confidence of the other Decepticons he has a lot to do. The book was very clear in explaining several times that our years were absolutely nothing but instants to the Transformers given thier lifespan, I can see 39 years as feasible-and to a transformer immediate. Also aren't the Decepticons there before Bumblebee anyways? Do we have a time they landed?
That goes some way to explaining it.
If the Decepticons did land on Earth long before Bumblebee, though, why didn't they go active until 2007? It is possible that they were acting 'underground', stealthily, but then why go public in 2007?
Posted by Ultra Magnus on April 9th, 2007 @ 1:55pm CDT

Posted by Retardicon on April 9th, 2007 @ 6:02pm CDT
According to the prequal comic, bumblebee raced off after megatron with the rest on cybertron.
Then there was a a gap in time.
Then the book picks up and bumblebee is on the ark with the rest.
What happened in that time? Whatever you want to have happened, because there is no canonical outline of events.
I, personally, feel that Prime stopped Bumblebee from going on what would be a suicide mission before he got in to deep. Prime made him an Ark crew member and as a team they made out to find Megs and the Allspark.
Second, Starscream downloaded the complete database of Ghost One. He would know where earth was and go straight there.
No, He wouldn't and here's why. Apollo 11, which launched simultaneously with Ghost One only had 2K of RAM and 36K of hard-wired memory. How thorough of a star chart did they have, seriously? My Avatar is 18K...
Besides, is it really that important?
Posted by Neko on April 9th, 2007 @ 6:28pm CDT

And let's not forget the fact that the Ghost One went farther then anticipated. So really, how could Starscream really decipher the charts?
Can you find your way to Cuba if you have a map of Idaho?
Posted by Mr.RobotoAutoMan on April 9th, 2007 @ 8:55pm CDT
Talon wrote:I found the book pretty dissapointing actually. I'm not the biggest fan (I know next to nothing past G1). But basically the characters in the book were barely described. The only one who's character traits really come through would be Starscream (and I found it was done quite well). Like another person said, the rest of the transformers are quite generic.
There were a few plot holes in the book. I think the biggest one would be the ending.
If starscream downloaded their ENTIRE databank (every bit and byte) and was pissed all to hell at them, you think he would take a little less then 38 years to get to earth. It said specifically that they had star charts in their database, so it wouldn't be too hard to figure out where Earth actually was. So therefore you'd think the decepticons would have been on earth like the day later. (Considering the "primitive" humans travelled to where the transformers were in a matter of minutes)
Personally I found the comic gave a much better background and explained more in the first 2 comics then dean whatever his name is did within 300.
Also did you guys read the interview with him that's posted here? ... view_id=32
I mean it sounded like he didn't even care about the series itself anyway. Kinda like here's some money go write a 300 page book basing it on these 6 pages we're going to give you.
agree. the comic was way better. i mean if mega broke BB's voice box and then got repaired and headed to earth why didnt the comic mention about what happen with GHOST and the ark with the decepticons encountering the autobots? it got me confused.
Posted by SeekerInAFakeMoustache on April 11th, 2007 @ 10:11pm CDT
Thoughts? 1969 is bordering dangerously close to 2007 in places, but nothing was so deliberately anachronistic I couldn’t think of potential explanations. There is a disproportionate amount of women in Sector Seven’s military and space program, but that could be because they had little chance of getting involved in the mainstream programs and were funneled into alternatives. Kinnear talks about his service in Vietnam as if it were in the distant past when in fact, the war would have just ended, but it’s possible he served in the beginning and then got yanked somewhere else. I do think the characters would’ve felt more like people if they’d addressed this stuff.
I also felt the humans’ story was too predictable. You can probably guess what happens to the character who mentions he’s close to retirement, and where the crew of Ghost One is going to wind up (because everything has to be tied up neat and clean so nothing in Ghosts of Yesterday will affect any of the other tie-ins). Some people find predictability comfortable. I. HATE. IT.
Fortunately, the Transformers’ end of things was interesting enough to keep me reading. Bumblebee landing in a nest of carnivorous Slinkies was great; seriously, the atmosphere and Bumblebee’s analytical reactions almost felt like something out of Metroid (the whole book coulda been about that and I wouldn‘t have complained). There were all sorts of clues about the planet having been inhabited by intelligent life, and not many about what may have happened to them (I doubt the Slinkies could’ve gotten them all, especially since it was hinted pretty strongly they had “domesticated” them somewhat). I really wished for more about this.
Starscream continues his time-honored tradition… not of trying to wrest leadership from Megatron, though he does that… but of stealing every blasted scene he’s in. He’s dead-on in-character. Even better, there’s a little easter egg that may or may not be intentional but is hilarious either way: Walker, at one point, says Starscream “sounds like a used car salesman!”

So, yeah… it was okay. I loved the mysterious planet and most of what happened on it, could give or take a lot of the rest. I can't say how it relates to the comic, which I haven't read, but as it's own little thing, it's not bad. It's better than Hardwired, but it's no Legends.

Posted by [KAGE] on April 15th, 2007 @ 7:50pm CDT
- 1,000 years ago:
The AllSpark was launched from Cybertron to Earth. Megatron follows and gets trapped in ice.
- 1879
Megatron if found in the Arctic
- 1899
The group that will become Sector 7 starts to dig Megatron out of the ice.
- 1902
The group that will become Sector 7 finds the AllSpark.
- 1935
Sector 7's Hoover Dam base is finished.
- 1969
The Ghost 1 is lunched from the Arctic on it's first mission.
- 2003
Bumblebee leaves Cybertron in search of Megatron and the Allspark. Sector 7 spots Bumblebee on Mars.
Bumblebee takes an "Earth Form".
Starscream, Blackout and Barricade land on Mars. The Beagle 2 Mars Rover goes "missing".
Posted by Leonardo on April 16th, 2007 @ 2:51am CDT
Posted by Heavy B on May 16th, 2007 @ 3:03pm CDT
Posted by Leonardo on May 17th, 2007 @ 2:29am CDT
Heavy B wrote:i got the book. its hard considering i don't read
Do you mean you can't read, or you can but just don't?
Posted by Bottom Out on May 17th, 2007 @ 11:11am CDT
and whats the exact name of it?
Posted by Cth42 on May 17th, 2007 @ 11:53am CDT
Transformers: Ghosts of Yesterday
Author: Alan Dean Foster ... 742&sr=8-3?tag=seibertron07-20&
Posted by OptimusShr on May 17th, 2007 @ 2:43pm CDT
[KAGE] wrote:- 1935
Sector 7's Hoover Dam base is finished.
- 1969
The Ghost 1 is lunched from the Arctic on it's first mission.
My guess is that S7 transported him there for research for the construction of Ghost 1. Also they could have been upgrading the Hoover base's facilities.
Posted by Bottom Out on May 17th, 2007 @ 10:01pm CDT
Cth42 wrote:Exact title:
Transformers: Ghosts of Yesterday
Author: Alan Dean Foster ... 742&sr=8-3?tag=seibertron07-20&