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Silverwing wrote:Also, I feel compelled to give the obligatory:![]()
One for each year of the Movieverse's decade strong tenure. Here's to a few more explosive years!
Perceptor, as well as any figures released as WFC characters (Archer, Springer, Ultra Magnus, Cyclonus, Galvatron, among others). But those could probably be done as redecos and rereleases of their WFC figures. Also, the remaining three Dinobots need figures (Snarl IS in the movie, but only for a couple frames).megamanfan wrote:who in the '86 line haven't they done already? they got hotrod/rodimus, kup, blurr, the decepticons... only one i can think of might be arcee? but we've already had so many arcees lately i'm not sure how a new one would be an improvement.
megamanfan wrote:who in the '86 line haven't they done already? they got hotrod/rodimus, kup, blurr, the decepticons... only one i can think of might be arcee? but we've already had so many arcees lately i'm not sure how a new one would be an improvement.
william-james88 wrote:If ever Sabrblade decides to go on vacation, I am glad to know we can rely on you.
Nemesis Reformatted wrote:I will be the lone Transformers fan fighting for Ransack, Barrage, Chop Shop & Venom. Alone in the darkness, I will keep crying out. I'm never going to shut up about these guys. Ransack is one of my ultimate favorites. I never see any other fans requesting them. They mention Insecticons a lot but they're always referring to Kickback, Bombshell & Shrapnel. Only God knows why because Takara has already made them, Hasbro has already made them & multiple 3rd party companies have already made them.
I don't see the point in constantly begging for characters we already got. That money & tooling would be better spent going into all the characters we didn't get yet. And the deluxe Insecticons are a big hole in the 1985 lineup. I think we got all of the 85 lineup updated except for them.![]()
And the way things are going, it looks like I'm gonna have to start planning on making custom bodies for the Titans Return Fangry, Squeezeplay & Horribull. Fangry & Squeezeplay will be easy, I already know which bodies to use, but there aren't many Transformers that transform into a bull.
Flashwave wrote:The Deluxe Insecticons just don't have the recognizability, thats all. But you are not alone. Hasbro could have at least retooled CW Bombshell as Barrage to go with Chop Shop, and done a Ransack from Kickback, leaving Venom the only required new tooling. But nooo
Just to piggyback on some other comments.... there was a Legends Chop Shop during CW, which was a retool of T30 Skrapnel, but yeah, the other Deluxe Insecticons are long overdue I agree, especially since 2 of them could also have been retooled from the other legends class Insecticons.
o.supreme wrote:Flashwave wrote:The Deluxe Insecticons just don't have the recognizability, thats all. But you are not alone. Hasbro could have at least retooled CW Bombshell as Barrage to go with Chop Shop, and done a Ransack from Kickback, leaving Venom the only required new tooling. But nooo
Great minds think alike, he was giving the same observation in the Kingdom thread, and this was my response:Just to piggyback on some other comments.... there was a Legends Chop Shop during CW, which was a retool of T30 Skrapnel, but yeah, the other Deluxe Insecticons are long overdue I agree, especially since 2 of them could also have been retooled from the other legends class Insecticons.
This would indeed be an ideal place to finally release that figure, yes.Emerje wrote:Who knows, maybe that Armada Optimus Prime proof of concept will resurface as a Legacy Commander Class figure.
Shadowman wrote:This is Sabrblade we're talking about. His ability to store trivial information about TV shows is downright superhuman.
Caelus wrote:My wife pointed out something interesting about the prehistoric Predacons. I said that everyone was complaining because transforming for them mostly consisted of them just standing up-right. She essentially said, 'So? That's what our ancestors did.'
Sabrblade wrote:This would indeed be an ideal place to finally release that figure, yes.Emerje wrote:Who knows, maybe that Armada Optimus Prime proof of concept will resurface as a Legacy Commander Class figure.
william-james88 wrote:If ever Sabrblade decides to go on vacation, I am glad to know we can rely on you.
AllNewSuperRobot wrote:I'm confused by the SS86 line. Is it just going to be characters unique to the film (Or those with talking roles, like Jazz)? Which it should be and if that is the case, there aren't that many left to make. Otherwise it is just another line to flood with the same old faces, who all appeared in some form or another, in the opening 30 minutes of The Movie.
Emerje wrote:Problem is Hasbro would have to go it alone. We're never getting Deluxe Insecticons for the same reason why we'll never get a proper G1 Jetfire remake: Takara Tomy can't sell it. The designs and original toys are owned by Bandai and Hasbro doesn't make anything anymore that isn't also sold by (or sellable by) Takara Tomy. So the only way the Deluxe Insecticons are ever getting made is if they look absolutely nothing like the original toy designs aside from colors just like Skyfire, to which I'd have to ask what's the point? Yes, they sold that tiny Micromaster Chop Shop with Megatron, but that was hardly recognizable as the Beetras design. They didn't sell the Legends Chop Shop at all.
o.supreme wrote:Emerje wrote:Problem is Hasbro would have to go it alone. We're never getting Deluxe Insecticons for the same reason why we'll never get a proper G1 Jetfire remake: Takara Tomy can't sell it. The designs and original toys are owned by Bandai and Hasbro doesn't make anything anymore that isn't also sold by (or sellable by) Takara Tomy. So the only way the Deluxe Insecticons are ever getting made is if they look absolutely nothing like the original toy designs aside from colors just like Skyfire, to which I'd have to ask what's the point? Yes, they sold that tiny Micromaster Chop Shop with Megatron, but that was hardly recognizable as the Beetras design. They didn't sell the Legends Chop Shop at all.
What about T30 Roadbuster & Whirl, did those not get ported over to Takara either?
Even still, the fact that CW Chop Shop was made, shows it can be done. I'm not sure how long this whole "Brand Unification" thing will last, but I'm thinking it will slowly erode over time to where both Hasbro and TT will begin making there own product again, in addition to the mostly shared line.
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