Transformers and More @ The Seibertron Store

Cyberjet #7 wrote:Anyone spot the NECA Gollum/Smeagol at TRU yet? I'm on the fence, since some of the in-hand pics just look ok. But after this weekend, the Hobbit/LOTR frenzy may take over absolutely.
Cyberjet #7 wrote:TBD Hobbit 6" figures - one set, minus Tauriel (I don't know why people still think she's rare). Nothing exciting in Legos...
Nutimus Prime wrote:
The Tauriel thing is because a couple months ago when it was announced The Hobbit would become 3 movies instead of 2, it was semiannounced that Tauriel would have to be moved to the second movie and would not feature in An Unexpected Journey. However the toyline was already coming out so the packaging, case assortment, etc. wasnt changed. So shes still in the toyline and people thought shed become "rare and hard to find" blah blah. More scalper crap really.
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