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by -Kanrabat- » Sun Aug 27, 2023 11:48 am
- Motto: "Love it? GET IT!
It's that simple."
- Weapon: Vibro-Axe
For trade, Transformers Legacy Evolution G2 Deadend, new, for the Legacy Velocitron Speedia Crasher, new.
What I offer:

What I want:
Come see my latest creations, SHATTERED GLASS G1 METROPLEX, HERE!

- God Of Transformers
- Posts: 18284
- News Credits: 98
- Joined: Sun Dec 12, 2010 3:19 pm
- Location: Canada, province of Québec
Watch -Kanrabat- on YouTube
Buy from -Kanrabat- on eBay
- Strength: N/A
- Intelligence: N/A
- Speed: N/A
- Endurance: N/A
- Rank: Infinity
- Courage: N/A
- Firepower: N/A
- Skill: N/A
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