Transformers and More @ The Seibertron Store

Twincast / Podcast Episode #359 "One"
One - In Episode 359 of the Twincast Podcast, we kick off with a robust discussion of Transformers One that you won't want to miss! The cast sits down with Jon Bailey, the voice of Soundwave, and Evan Michael Lee, the voice of Jazz, to explore the on-set experience and get the inside scoop on the movie's production. Following the Transformers One conversation, the crew takes a quick look at PulseCon reveals, before diving into the new Missing Link reveals of Sunstreaker and Arcee. The crew transitions into our regular 40 for 40 segment, where each member of the cast discusses their favorite or most impactful release in a given year of the last 40 years of Transformers. This year is 2016, where Combiner Wars concludes and transitions into Titans Return. The episode concludes with bragging rights, where each cast member shares what they acquired since the last episode.
Twincast / Podcast Episode #358 "Size Wars"
Size Wars - Transformers are crossing over, but the Twincast / Podcast is here to discuss all of the recent news. Discussion starts with the first crossovers with Godzilla, Zoids, Diaclone, and Macross 7. Japanese toy release talk continues with the Dramatic Capture Triple Takeover set which has been revealed. Excitement returns to the crew with the Trigger PV promo video before the limited recurring “40 for 40” segment revisits the year 2015. The cast ponders upcoming Transformers One Studio Series entries for Elita One and Bumblebee, then Bragging Rights follow before Mr. Starscream provides some domestic feedback on his recent trip to the UK-based convention, TF Nation.
Twincast / Podcast Episode #357 "Dear Prudence"
Dear Prudence - The Twincast / Podcast's 357th episode starts up with the first of several listener questions, this one about an ongoing and classic fandom argument on who really became Cyclonus. Then the cast very briefly talks about the recent promotional scene releases for Transformers One. A second listener question prompts a quick round-table about favorite Transformers that wear another, smaller Transformer on their chest. The limited recurring "40 for 40" segment picks up from there, with the Generations and Masterpiece lineups from the year 2014 overshadowing the featured movie lineup from Age of Extinction. A final listener question probes into the cast's print media collections, with an emphasis on guidebooks and reference material. As usual, the "Bragging Rights" segment closes out the episode.
Twincast / Podcast Episode #356 "Rev It Up"
Rev It Up - Episode 356 of the Twincast starts with a full house, with ScottyP, Kuhlio, Aarnhide19, Megatronus, and xRotorstormx all in attendance. The episode starts with an open discussion on the crew’s personal Transformers news, which leads to a discussion on the phenomenon of maintaining real-life cars inspired by our favorite characters, with a spotlight on Hound. The conversation pivots to 40 for 40, our regular segment that shines a light on our favorite toys from the last 40 years of the brand; this episode it’s 2013, the year of IDW thrilling 30, the first Titan, Transformers Prime: Beast Hunters, and more. The episode wraps with everyone’s favorite segment, bragging rights, where the cast discusses their latest, and favorite acquisitions since last episode.
Twincast / Podcast Episode #355 "SDCC 2024"
SDCC 2024 - San Diego Comic-Con is winding down, but the Twincast / Podcast's coverage of this year's Transformers content from the event is available now. The discussion of new toy reveals begins with the Core Class Dinoking gift set, with other forthcoming releases from Studio Series such as the Transformers One Megatron and War for Cybertron Ratchet talked about next. The new-but-known Studio Series 86 Commander Class Optimus Prime sparks some additional discussion, then the Collaborative Agent Knight release inspired by Knight Rider proves to be a highlight of the cast's impressions of this year's event. Hasbro's brief reveal of the forthcoming 86 Devastator for 2025 wraps up event talk. The conversation moves into Takara Tomy's reveal of Missing Link Sentinel Prime and other upcoming exclusives such as Chair. The limited recurring "40 for 40" segment handles 2012 before the episode wraps up with some unreleased G2 toys being grabbed for Bragging Rights.
Posted 1 day ago by Emerje - 10,107 views
We got a teaser for this not long ago, now the orders have opened for Rathalos Prime representing a crossover between Transformers and the Monster Hunter franchise. The figure itself is a heavy retool of Kingdom Airazor, perhaps the most frequently retooled figure in modern history. Alt mode is a pretty good representation of the Rathalos, probably the most iconic monster in the game. The bot mode, on the other hand, well, that's really going to depend on you. It's based on the Rathalos armor - Read More
Posted 1 day ago by william-james88 - 8,910 views
澳洲幸运10-十号码开奖官网开奖. Turns out these are Chinese physical cards, some with holographic effect. While the Primes were the biggest news, since they were not clearly depicted in the film, it is nice to see other chars like Brawn, Sunstreaker and Ironhide. These characters have cogged and non cogged versions. There are a lot more cards than the ones shown below, as we can see from their indicated numbers. Hopefully the rest of the Primes subset will be found and - Read More
Posted 2 days ago by william-james88 - 13,583 views
The past week-end was disappointing for Transformers One at the box office. As many Hollywood pundits have said, it's unfortunate that a film that had such a great reception did so poorly. Especially when this is in the same brand where films that were panned by critics and fans made over a billion dollars. All this just goes for domestic numbers because the film has yet to open on major markets internationally (like China and the UK). Now that the week-end is done, we know that the - Read More
Posted 3 days ago by william-james88 - 19,374 views
A part of Transformers One that a lot of fans have rallied behind is the handling of the 13 Primes and turning them into legendary heroes, along with their new designs. Fans have wanted a better look at them, since the movie rarely gave a clear shot of them, and now we have a great look at Micronus and Quintus. These character models are on cards though its unclear if these cards are physical or digital. We also have a screenshot of the thirteen from the film with their names - Read More
Posted 3 days ago by ScottyP - 17,984 views
Transformers One is upon us and the Twincast / Podcast is thrilled to welcome two of the movie's voice actors onto our latest episode. The voice of Soundwave and longtime Twincast Podcaster, Jon Bailey, plus the voice of Jazz, Evan Michael Lee, highlight an energetic discussion of the new film that you won't want to miss! Host Scotty P alongside Counterpunch, Megatronus and Mr. Starscream go along for the ride and still bring you some fun toy talk after the movie chat, so stick - Read More
Posted 4 days ago by Seibertron - 26,950 views
Visit the Seibertron Store store at Fall Sale! At least 25% off most items. (Some exclusions apply) Over 7,800+ items are currently available in the Seibertron Store on eBay! We've been busy listing new Transformers toys, comic books and other collectible items which we think might be of interest to you. Special Shipping Promos: $5.00 flat rate shipping if you order 2 or more comics!* $10.00 flat rate shipping if you order 2 or more toys!* * Domestic orders only. - Read More
Posted 5 days ago by william-james88 - 25,966 views
168开奖官方开奖网站查询澳洲幸运10 168澳洲十开奖官方历史直播 there is no release date yet, Amazon has the preorder up for the Transformers One home video release. We now know what the standard cover will look like and what the Steelbook cover will look like. Images and links are below. DVD ... 8&qid=&sr= Steelbook ... UTF8&psc=1 DVD ... 836&sr=8-1 Steelbook - Read More
Posted 5 days ago by william-james88 - 27,095 views
Looks like Transformers One is going to have an uphill battle at the box office. The film was predicted to make upwards of 30 million dollars this week-end BUT it looks like it will be making 5 million less. Numbers are not final, but as of now the estimates are that it will have made 25 million this week-end and coming in second place to Beetlejuice which made one million more. Of course, as mentioned, these are early estimates and it could change who wins this week-end box office wise, but - Read More
Posted 7 days ago by william-james88 - 39,554 views
No doubt the most anticipated Legacy toy is the upcoming deluxe Optimus Prime who is a take on the original G1 toy with modern day articulation. Below are two videos showing the transformation. We thank Mike for pointing us to their direction. - Read More
Posted 7 days ago by william-james88 - 39,916 views
For those curious to know more about the upcoming Studio Series Transformers One deluxe Megatron, we have a video review of him. It comes from Emgo who got it through a big box from Hasbro that is given to influencers when a movie comes out. He goes with the other upcoming TF One SS figures more recently revealed. About those, TFOne Bumblebee, Elita and Sentinel Prime are up for preorder on Pulse. ... - Read More
Posted 7 days ago by william-james88 - 37,193 views
We now have images of all Blokees model kits from not one but two different waves, the standard Galaxy Version wave and the more premium Classic Class wave. As you'll see below, some characters do repeat like Sentinel Prime and Optimus Prime. Below are the two different classes/waves. You'll see which characters are there along with photos and a video at the end showing anyone not in the know what these kits are all about (though the video refers more to the (Galaxy Versions). Transformers - Read More
Posted 7 days ago by william-james88 - 29,350 views
Transformers One is OUT! So now a lot of reviewers are sharing their 2 squirts of energon. We compiled some below from Jerem Jahns, Dan Murrel, Christ Struckman and John Campea. Also for fun, we included IGN's which has some pretty odd takes, like how the lack of humans means we are now unable to get a good sense of scale without realizing that the lack of humans here is a feature and not a flaw. Speaking of takes, Jeremy makes a pretty fun connection that only a fan would get. But please - Read More
Posted 8 days ago by william-james88 - 37,956 views
At Cinemacon, we saw an Orion Pax popcorn bucket that seemed transformable. We have since seen the Cinemark popcorn buckets for Transformers One, which you can see below, and those did not include that transforming bucket. And now we know how AMC's Transformers One popcorn bucket looks like and it is not that either. So that Orion Pax transforming popcorn bucket is MIA. For AMC, it turns out their bucket is unoriginal. It's just a tin with the characters on it. They also have cups with - Read More
Posted 9 days ago by william-james88 - 30,054 views
There are two ways to measure a film's success these days. We have how much it made, which directly correlated to the public's interest in a film. And we have how profitable it is, which helps predict the direction of further movies in a franchise (or the likelihood of similar movies being made). Mission Impossible Dead Reckoning Part 1 made A LOT more money than the Bumblebee movie (100 Million more) BUT it also cost a lot more. So while public interest in the Mission Impossible franchise may - Read More
Posted 11 days ago by william-james88 - 36,219 views
You can now put the Gi Joe X Transformers film in the development hell category. While it had some momentum with Chris Hemsworth joining the project and a writer attached, the departure of Caple Jr as director has brought the plans back to square one. We know this from a recent interview with Lorenzo di Bonaventura who is spearheading this film's development. This interview is from Screen rant who he said this to: Live-action we are going to deliver a G.I. Joe crossover. I hesitate using - Read More
Posted 11 days ago by william-james88 - 48,239 views
Blokees are cute, easy and affordable licensed model kits of Transformers characters, you can check out the video below if you want more info on what they are. Blokees has revealed on Twitter 3 new kits coming out in their Transformers One wave. They are Ironhide, Hound and a new troop character called Death Tracker which is based on the vehicons from Transformers Prime. We saw them in the trailers and now we know their official name. Slight spoiler, but the reason they are not "Steeve" this - Read More
Posted 12 days ago by william-james88 - 35,453 views
Well 幸运10官网历史查询澳洲结果 One was finally seen by a slew of fans this week-end thanks to early screenings and here is our review for the film. It is very tough to assess if this is the best 历史开奖记录直播幸运十 film. We have the 86 film which was literally as G1 as it can get, if you want to go by a purist standpoint. We have Bumblebee, which was a very well made film on a smaller scale and we had the 2007 Michael Bay film which did an amazing job at showing the potential of the Transformers franchise on - Read More
Posted 12 days ago by william-james88 - 43,803 views
Great news! While Walmart was dropping the ball on their exclusive wave by having returns instantly liquidated, they are finally stocking this wave in full. We now have multiple sightings of cases of these deluxes and voyager Ferak in different states all at once. We also have reviews below for you if you want as much info as possible about these toys. The sightings come from Fenris447, smiller0570 and Budgieking from Missouri, Texas and - Read More
Posted 13 days ago by william-james88 - 40,799 views
While Pulse has sold out of several of the new Legacy reveals, there are still preorders available through Amazon, so we posted links to those below. We also have official images of the reveals. While the repacked figures have nothing new to them, the packaging will be different than before. Galaxy Shuttle goes from a closed box to an open box, for instance. These won't have plastic windows, instead that kind of packaging will be returning for the upcoming Age of the Primes line. Amazon - Read More
Posted 14 days ago by william-james88 - 51,957 views
Pulsecon just took place and the Transformers section was a mad dash. They showcased the winners for Hall of Fame which included: - Megatronus - Magmatron - SS86 Optimus Prime - Party Wallop - Marcelo Matere The toys revealed included: - Pulse Exclusive Dinoking (preorder up now) - Cosmos - G2 Breakdown - Armada Wheeljack - Origins Bumblebee - Ramjet - Tarn - Overcharge (redeco of Blitzwing with new head) - Galaxy Shuttle - Three Zero Orion Pax/Optimus Prime - Three - Read More
These 澳洲5彩幸运五历史开奖记录+看幸运澳洲5综合查询全网开奖号码 were recently sighted at retail stores: